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What is the one thing you like the most about studying English?

英会話無料レッスン 6A60
What is the one thing you like the most about learning English?



・It is becoming able to understand English YouTube channels I watch.

・What I like most about learning English is that I can communicate with foreigners.

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in 今週のワンポイント英会話無料レッスン by smithweb | September 7, 2024 | 76 comments

  • I like being able to talk about a topic with everyone every week.
    I think it’s great to learn new things with enjoying.

  • What I like most about learning English is that I can converse with foreigners and present in English at a conference.

  • It is becoming able to understand English movies I watch. It’s interesting that the nuances are sometimes slightly different from the Japanese subtitles.

  • It is enjoying English conversation and learning the difference of customs. I want to be able to speak English well.

  • I didn’t understand English at all before, but I can understand English that Aida speaker Dan says more than before. That is what I like about it.

  • It is that I’m getting familiar with English. When I was teenager, I saw English sentences as strings of letters, but now I tend to see some of them as images of scenes.

  • What I like most about learning English is to be able to see the world Japanese media does not talk about. We can watch a variety of channels that with no Japanese subtitles. Thanks to the Internet, we can choose to watch anything about everything. And almost all are added English subtitles.

  • The one thing I like is that I can communicate with foreigners at the hotel. I enjoy hearing about different countries.

  • The moment I get happy to learn English is when I can hear and understand what is said in English songs. The most of English songs I can understand are still songs that are sang by Japanese artists but I want to get be able to understand ones that are sang by artists from overseas.

  • One thing I like the most about learning English is understanding some of the conversations in foreign movies and Netflix dramas.

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