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Do you want to take up anything new?

英会話無料レッスン 5A29

Do you want to take up anything new?



・I’m trying to learn Chinese, and I have already downloaded the app.

・I don’t want to take up anything new because I’m learning English conversation every Friday and tap dance twice a month and I’m very pleased with both of them.

・I want to take up walking at night.

無料体験レッスン (マンツーマン・完全予約制)のお問い合わせはコチラから!

  • Before I used to play golf. But I haven’t played it for a few years. I want to make a new start this year.
    I’m not good at playing golf, but I’m going to do my best.

  • No, I don’t think that I want to take up anything new because I’m busy playing tennis five times a week and learning English and Japanese history.

  • I want to take up visiting various Art exhibitions . And sometimes I would like to read the news written in English by the company.

  • I’m really impressed by my teacher’s sincerity because he is always patient. It is fortunate to meet Les.

  • Yes, I do. I want to study protecting the forest. But I can’t do it. Because I am busy at English school and gym.

  • I work in architecture .
    Then I want to get the Professional Engineer with a civil engineering qualification.
    So I am trying to learn it.

  • I don’t want to take up anything new because I started to learn French. I would like to learn French more deeply.

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