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  • 英会話無料レッスン 2024.5.19
Do you want to take up anything new?

英会話無料レッスン 6A45
Do you want to take up anything new?



・I want to take up walking at night.

・I want to lose weight and work out at the gym. But I’m too busy with daily life to go there.

無料体験レッスン (マンツーマン・完全予約制)のお問い合わせはコチラから!

  • I want to take up making a simple biotope.
    It is to put water in a pot to grow plants and killifish etc.
    I like it because I can feel small nature by it. It’s also fun to choose plants and think about the layout!

  • I have a lot of old clothes I don’t wear anymore.There are no room for my new clothes in my wardrobe. My clothes are hung up all around the room. I have to start to throw away my old clothes.

  • The holiday changes from Saturday to Sunday.
    I want to go out to various places because I spend more time with my children.

  • I want to take up going on a perfect solo trips this year. First, I want to make a healthy body. Next, I want to speaking is better. I have to go to yoga lessons and English classes.

  • I want to start a vegetable garden. I couldn’t grow tomatoes last year so I want to start this year.

  • Though I have to subscribe, I want to use ChatGPT Plus to improve my English and work more efficiently.

  • Yes I do. I want to take up calligraphy. I want to make greeting cards which are written in stylish writing in calligraphy.

  • I want to take up playing shogi. I like watching professional shogi players play shogi on YouTube. Sota Fuji and Habu Yoshiharu are famous, but other shogi players are also attractive.

  • I want to take up a high-quality sleep. When I awake at midnight, I often do something by using my smartphone and I can’t sleep again. I’ll get rid of this bad custom and be more healthy.

  • If there is sport gym of Chocozap near my office I want to go there because I think can easiIy go to Chocozap

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