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  • 英会話無料レッスン 2024.5.5

英会話無料レッスン 6A43
What would you like to accomplish this week?



・I want to walk 8,000 steps everyday.

・I would like to read the books which I bought in the winter vacation.

無料体験レッスン (マンツーマン・完全予約制)のお問い合わせはコチラから!

  • I don’t want to be nervous in the lesson for the first time in 3 weeks.
    I’m looking forward to the lesson!

  • I don’t want to be nervous in the lesson for the first time in 3 weeks.
    I’m already worried.
    I’m looking forward to the lesson!

  • Next Sunday is Mother’s Day. I’m going to visit my mother with my brother on Saturday. In addition to flowers, I’m planning to make her favorite dish and bring it. I want to thank her and have a good time!

  • I I want to clean up inside the fridge. I think I should get food only we eat but I end up buying too much food everyday. And I always need to check the expiration date of the food My fridge has a lot of food now.

  • Iwould like to accomplish a memorial service for my mother with my relatives this weekend.

  • I would like to finish reading all seven volumes of comics based on The Tale of Genji this week.

  • I want to improve my English pronunciation skills because my listening skills are not so good. You can not listen to the words you can not pronounce.

  • I want to finish the pick-up and drop-off of my son’ after school activities without any problems!

  • I want to try to scuba diving . I want to swim with marine animals especially sea turtles once in a life time.

  • I was planning to change my seasonal clothes. But I gave up, because cold weather has been continueing early mornings and nights.

  • I want to hard in both test study and club activities, because the test is in about a week.

  • I want to just survive ordinary days this week. The long holiday is gone and I have to work again. It’s common but very hard for most of people includes me. I let not work too hard this week to aid my body and heart.

  • I have to submit 32 reports by the end of this month.
    I submitted 7 reports this week.
    I did well! But the rest of 25 reports are tough for me

  • Yes,I did.
    I met a famous Japanese comedian on duty in Osaka city.
    I have always liked him, so I was so excited and happy.
    I think this is the best moment this year.

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