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  • 英会話無料レッスン 2023.10.22
What was the toughest thing about today?

英会話無料レッスン 6A19
What was the toughest thing about today?


・The toughest thing was wait for the bus while standing for over an hour.

・The toughest thing about today was that I had to teach 6 out of 7 possible periods.

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  • Toughest thing about today・・・

    I forgot today the English grammar studied last week
    I can read simple sentences and words but speaking English is difficult.

  • It was muscle pain. I did some light mountain climbing yesterday.
    It was a short time, but my legs hurt… I think the cause is lack of exercise.
    Now it’s getting cooler, so I would like to take a walk and do some simple exercise for my health.

  • The toughest thing about today was that I had not only backache but also busy five working hours because of shortage of staff.

  • The toughest thing today was that I haven’t decided yet where in Kyoto to visit to see old cultural heritages with coloured leaves.

  • Not today on Wednesday I could not connect to the Internet. It happened very rarely, so I dealt with it as usual. But not restored. I tried over and over. The three days without internet connection were really tough for me. I nearly contacted the company. On Saturday I tried starting over again. I checked the terminal connections and turned off in order of the computer, the router and the end device. After 30 seconds I turned on the power in reverse of them. Finally,
    Internet was restored. As I manage everything online on my computer. I’m very happy.

  • The toughest thing was that I had to work my side job until late at night for more than eight hours, but it’s reward was only 1000 yen.

  • The toughest thing about today was stopping the train services on Hankyu Kobe Line by a fatal accident in the morning. I decided to go to my workplace by using JR Line, instead. However, there were many people waiting a long line, so I thought that I may be late for a starting time, and I was in a hurry. In addition, it was tough to ride on a super packed train.

  • The toughest thing today was that I had to take care of our customers who called and claimed about the delivery delays of our products.

  • The toughest thing was waste of money that I bought a bad web camera at online shop.
    Because I’m saving money for tirp overseas.

  • Because the health check, it was toughest thing today that I hadn’t eaten anything since last night (21:00).

  • The toughest thing today was that my bicycle fell over on my way home from the supermarket. The things I bought were scattered on the ground. It was embarrassing and sad.

  • The toughest thing was to make okonomiyaki for dinner and remember that I was out of mayonnaise.
    Mayonnaise is absolutely necessary for okonomiyaki.

  • The toughest thing he was playing basketball in the gym at school with my classmates because I dislike playing basketball.

  • My new robot vacum cleaner is made in China, but she only speaks English. Her pronunciation is better than mine. The hard thing for me is that I can’t hear what she’s saying because of that.

  • The toughest thing about today was I was pretty sleepy in the morning because I drank a lot as well and I failed to get off the usual station for falling asleep deeply on the train last night.

  • The toughest thing was that I washed the clothes with tissues. I was shocked when I opened the lid of the washing machine and saw tissues scattered around.

  • The toughest thing about today was I didn’t know what clothes to wear,
    because it’s getting cold in the morning ,but it’s hot in the day.

  • The toughest thing about today was that I had to assemble a large prototype by using tools with my co-workers, even though I injured my fingers, beacuse there are few people in my office.

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