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What are you going to treat yourself to as a little “reward”?

英会話無料レッスン 5A30

What are you going to treat yourself to as a little “reward”?



・I wanna go to the spa again and just relax. It was really amazing last time.

・As a clean rooms, toilets and a bathroom this morning I want to have a break time at the Starbucks coffee shop as a little reward for me.

・I would like to go to some good restaurants and enjoy their good food.

無料体験レッスン (マンツーマン・完全予約制)のお問い合わせはコチラから!

  • As a reward to myself I like to sleep in and then treat myself by going out for brunch. No cooking, no dishes, yummy food.

  • I don’t often treat myself to a small reward, because my life is already overflowing with good things.

  • I want to eat a luxurious dinner as a reward for working hard.
    If possible, I’d like to eat Kobe beef steak.

  • Actually, I sometimes treat myself to something.
    For instance, good sweets ,Starbucks’s drinks ,nice lunch at a good restaurant.
    When I achieved a small goal, I treated myself to something that I want to eat .

  • I want to have a vacation to go on a trip alone.
    Of cause I want to go on a trip with my family but I sometime think I’d like to escape reality.
    It is my “reward”.

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