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  • 英会話無料レッスン 2024.12.15
Do you have any special christmas memories?

英会話無料レッスン 6A74
Do you have any special Christmas memories?



・When I was a child, every year on December 24, we had a year-end party with relatives on my father’s side. It was a party that had nothing to do with Christmas in particular.

・When I was little, I got a watch as a gift for Christmas. I still use this watch today.

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in 今週のワンポイント英会話無料レッスン by smithweb | December 14, 2024 | 49 comments

  • When I was an elementary school student,I go to a Soroban classroom.
    Its teacher held a Christmas party at every year.
    I was enjoying the party.

  • Santa Claus came to my room! That’s memorie is precious and sparkling memorie for me. Santa Claus was my grandmother!

  • About 10 years ago, when my husband and I went to Germany we bought Advent Calendar for our grandson. One day he ate the chocolate and he got sick. I thought he had a peanut allergy and the chocolate didn’t have a peanut.but pistachio. I t turned out he is not only peanut allergy but also nut allergy as well.

  • When I was an elementary school student of grade 4, I cried because I was given a Christmas present I didn’t want. Now I feel sorry for my parents.

  • When I was in elementary school, I had a Christmas party at my friend’s house and changed gifts.
    It’s a good remember.

  • Yes, I went to Hawaii the first time with my husband. It was my first Christmas abroad. I was very impressed by the Christmas atmosphere.

  • Yes, when I was a child, I ate Christmas cake with my family. I thought over Santas decorations with my brother. It is my fun memory.

  • When my children were young, I had to get up in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve. Then, I used to put the Christmas gifts for my children by their pillows.

  • My parents had to buy a lot of Christmas cakes for their relationship because I used to do business at home when I was a child.
    So I had to eat a lot of Christmas cakes every day.

  • Yes,I have.
    When I was 20 years old, I participated in the Christmas dance party of my company, so I
    learned dance before the party.

  • During Chrismas when I was in the firat gread of eiementary school.
    There was a heavy snowfall in Sendai.
    It was a record snowfall.

  • When I was 12, I went to a Christmas concert at the Hilton Hotel Osaka with my friends and my mother. I listen to gospel music for the first time. It made me emotional.

  • When I was elementary school,I belong to community of region for children.
    Then,We had a Christmas party and watched a movie “The Snowman”.

  • When I was a child, my mother put up a Christmas tree, cooked us a fancy dinner and we ate Christmas cakes while listening Christmas songs.

  • My best Christmas memory is visiting Rockefeller Center in New York on my honeymoon 30 years ago. At night, the huge Christmas tree and many objects were decorated with lights and they were so beautiful.

  • When I was elementary school, we held Christmas party at my grand mother’s house. Then my grand father said ” I have talked with Santa Clause.” So I asked him to want to talk with Santa Clause too. My request is way too persistent, finally he taught someone’s phone number for me. But actually, that number was my mother’s !

  • I remember I went to see the illuminations in Nakanoshima about 10 years ago
    The fantastic illuminations was very beautiful

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