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  • 英会話無料レッスン 2024.10.6
What do you live for?

英会話無料レッスン 6A64
What is your best childhood memory?



・My best childhood memory is playing baseball with my friends in the park after school and in holidays.

・I hung out with my friends after school. I liked to play card games.

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  • That’s what I changed school when I was 9 years old.
    Before that, I was a little shy and I had few friends. I thought changing school was a good opportunity to change my personality. I tried to be brave and cheerful in new school.
    Thanks to friendly classmates and my efforts, I was be able to make friends and had a fun school life!

  • – When I was a child I used to go to my grandparents house with my parents during summer holidays. We had good food my grandmother made and played games with my cousins. We had arguments sometimes but we could make up soon. My grandparents passed away many years ago.

  • When I was a child, my family and my father’s friend’s families went swimming in the sea every summer. There were about four families. We stayed at the same guesthouse every
    year. Children slept side by side. It’s a good memory.

  • We played outside all the time- baseball, hockey, roller skating, riding bicycles, sled riding, ice skating, fishing, swimming in lakes…It was wonderful!

  • When I was in elementary school I played video games with my friends in friend’s house after school.

  • When I was a child, I went to my grandparents’ house in Wakayama with my family every summer. I swam in the river near the house. It is a good memory.

  • My best childhood memory went to my grandparents’ house by car summer and winter vacations.
    I enjoyed long distance move in the car as special times.

  • When I was a child, after I got home I heard sounds that I had never heard. The sounds were dog footsteps. So my dad brought a dog home. The dog joined our family.

  • My best childhood memory is caming to my house!
    I felt very happy!
    But, That’s Santa Claus was my grand mother🤣

  • When I was a child I had a curfew. I always went home at the same time with the same friend. She is still my best friend today.

  • One of the best memories in my childhood is a reunion of all my cousins. I have 11 cousins, but all of us had never met until my paternal grandmother’s funeral. We were very excited to play together. After all, it was an impressive and once-in-a-lfetime opportunity.

  • I don’t have any particular happy childhood memories. However, I don’t have any unhappy memories either.

  • I met a white dog at a pet shop when I was 9 years old. The dog became our family, and she was named Yuki. I think she changed my families life.

  • When I was childhood, my family went to Hirakata Park almost every year. Because my father worked for Keihan Railway, transportation costs (using Keihan Railway) were free, and admission to the park was cheap. Hirakata Park is famous for the chrysanthemum dolls festival , the festival was not interesting for my syster and me.

  • My best childhood memory is my dad made donuts on rainy “days”
    It was simple and delicious.
    Because my father had time on rainy “days”when there were few customers.
    My father “worked in”bicycle and moterbike sales and repair shop.

  • My best childhood memory is exploring the nearby forest with my friends on the way my house.
    Currently, the forest changed to residential area.

  • My best childhood memory is going to the zoo with my father when I was 10 years old. I went there when I was suffering from swollen eyes caused by hay fever.

  • My best childhood memory is camping with my family. There was a river nearby, so I jumped into it and swam. There were so many fish in the river that I was excited.

  • When I was a child I used to live in Shigaraki with my grandmother, because my mother was in and out of the hospital. So the time that I spent with my grandmother is the best memory for me.

  • My best childhood memory is visiting my grandfather’s house in the countryside with my father and then traveling along the Shimanto River to Cape Ashizuri in Kochi Prefecture.

  • My impressive childhood memories are joy of everyday meals, a lot of stupid failures, such as detection of sneaking food, and playing all day.

  • My best memory is that I caught a carp with my hand net in the river. I liked to swim and play in the river near my grandparent’s house every summer. There were some carp there and I thought I could not catch them at first because they were too speedy. But I finally could catch them by chasing them to the bank. I was very glad and it was a very memorable event for me.

  • My best childhood memory is seeing my mom cooking for my family. She watched a good cook. She looked shining whe she saw my family members’ happy faces. She made it a point to teach us what to use and how to cook whenever we asked. She said that for her that’s one of the most rewarding things she ’d ever experienced.

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