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  • 英会話無料レッスン 2024.7.14
What dreams have you dreamt recently?

英会話無料レッスン 6A53
What dreams have you dreamt recently?



・I had a dream that I was being chased by a murderer at Higashi-Umeda Station.

・I recently have dreamt. But I don’t remember it now.

無料体験レッスン (マンツーマン・完全予約制)のお問い合わせはコチラから!

  • My dreams are always colored. For some reason, I had a dream about
    buying a plastic case last night. I’m surprised the color of the case was
    pink. Because I don’t think I would choose the color in reality!

  • I think I have dreams every day but when morning comes I don’t remember the dream at all. Maybe most of them are that someone is chasing me and I’m in a panic. I have never had such a good dream.

  • I don’t have a dream these days. When I was young, I sometimes had a dream about piano recital. I still haven’t memorized the sheet music. What shoud I do? Then I woke up.

  • I had a dream that I forgot my math homework.
    It was a scary dream because I hated math when I was a sutudent.

  • I had a strange dream the other day. In the dream, I was listening to the radio, then suddenly, I heard my mom’s voice. She said to me, “You should always take care of your body. ” Actually, my mom has passed away this January. So I was wondering that she sent a message from a broadcasting station in heaven.

  • I had a dream that I woke up 1 hour late from usual time in the morning. In the dream I need to be hurried, but my body didn’t move quickly to do
    usual morning routine.
    Then the alarm clock rang of the real world. The time was same as usual. I felt at ease.

  • Recently, I don’t have dream.
    People are usually have many dreams while sleeping,maybe, I think I forgot my dream

  • I can’t remember the dreams I had. I have dreamt every day, but soon after I wake up, I completely forget them.

  • I had a dream that I was playing soccer goalkeeper. I have had this dream many times. I can stop any shot in my dreams.

  • Recently, I had a dream where I was having dinner with Kimutaku. But it’s strange because I neither like nor dislike him.

  • Though I hardly dream, I would like to see dreams like flying into the sky, being among beautiful women, or becoming a king.

  • I had a dream that I and my husband went to a beach. Although we were prohibited to swim in the beach, he went swim and he was gone away. After a long time, he came back safely but he seemed odd and could talk mysterious language only. I thought he had been cursed because he had swam in the prohibited area.

  • Recentry, I have been busy at work and working late. So I slept deeply after dinner at home, I didn’t have any dreams.

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