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- スミス英会話相模原校 積極的に英会話レッスン
スミス英会話相模原校 積極的に英会話レッスン
Why I Love Teaching English
スミス英会話相模原校 積極的に英会話レッスン
生徒様のアケミさんはスミス英会話相模原校の近くに住んでいるので、たいてい英会話レッスンの数分前には到着します。彼女が先にクラスに入ってくると、私たちは彼女の息子について短い会話をしました。「Akemi, do you have any happy news?(アケミ、良いニュースはある?)」と聞くと、彼女は笑顔で「My son won an amateur boxing match.(息子がアマチュアボクシングの試合で勝ちました。)」と完璧な英語で答えました。そのニュースに驚いた私は彼女に聞きたい質問ができました。そしてその時もう1人の生徒様、若いですがとても礼儀正しいマサさんがクラスに入ってきました。

アケミさんは椅子から立ち上がり彼を迎え入れました。「My name is Akemi, nice to meet you.(アケミです、よろしくお願いします。)」マサさんも丁寧にあいさつをしました。この相模原校の生徒様のお互いを思いやり敬意を表す姿勢にとても感心しました。2人ともリラックスしてお互いの話を始めました。その時私はレッスン計画を変えて2人の生徒様の流れに乗ろうと思いました。2人は打ち解けた様子で、アケミさんが率先して話していました。
ふと思いつき、私は相模原校で入会すると始めにするレッスン;“Introductions(紹介)”に戻ってみることにしました。私がホワイトボードに簡単な題を書き始めると広げていくのは簡単でした、“name(名前), live(住まい), job(仕事), hobby(趣味), brother(兄弟), sister(姉妹), best friend(親友), hometown(地元), countries(国) など”。この生徒様2人がレッスンの45分間、自分たちのペースで英会話するのを導くことができたのは光栄でした。彼らは他に頼らず、思い切ってトライできる自由を楽しんでいました。間違いがあっても会話は流れていました。私はほとんど話しませんでした;大きな間違いを正す時と、新しい語彙を提案した以外。生徒様が話す時間がとても多いレッスンでした。
Sagamihara English Students Take the Initiative
Sagamihara English students continue to impress me. I pay attention to English student behavior in every class because it often gives me something new to write about. I always find myself comparing Japanese behavior to American behavior. It is a natural reaction of mine because I am from America. It is cultural for sure. I will never be done learning from my English students and Japanese people in general. This is one of many reasons I love teaching at Smith’s School of English Sagamihara.
Recently I had a veteran English student paired with a fairly new one. It was their first time meeting each other. Their age difference is about 30 years. So I really had to think about what kind of English lesson to plan for them. I thought I had a good lesson planned, but things changed quickly within the first 5 minutes. I realized that what these two English students wanted and needed to do was TALK. “Change” often happens here in the classroom at Smith’s School of English Sagamihara, and I really enjoy the challenge of quickly adapting English lessons to student needs.
Akemi doesn’t live far from Smith’s School of English Sagamihara, and usually arrives a few minutes early for her English lesson. She entered first and we had a good short conversation about her son. “Akemi, do you have any happy news?” She smiled and said in perfect English “my son won an amateur boxing match.” That surely surprised me and I had more questions for her. Then in walked “Masa”, a younger and very polite man.

Akemi stood up from her chair and welcomed him. “My name is Akemi, nice to meet you.” Masa was just as gracious and introduced himself. These two Sagamihara English students really impressed me with their kindness and respect shown for each other. Both of them appeared very relaxed and started talking to each other. At that point I knew it was time for me to change my lesson plan and go with the flow of these two English students. They were connecting, and Akemi was taking much of the initiative.
On a whim I decided to go all the way back to “the beginning;” one of the first lessons that most Sagamihara English students receive- “Introductions.” It was easy to expand as I started writing short prompts on the board- “name, live, job, hobby, brother, sister, best friend, hometown, countries” etc. Guiding these two English students through a 45-minute conversation at their own pace was a real pleasure. I could tell that they were enjoying the independence and freedom to take risks with the language. Mistakes were made but communication flowed. I hardly spoke a word; only correcting a few big mistakes and offering some new vocabulary along the way. English student talk time was very high.
I learned a lot about these two English students and they learned a lot about each other. Watching their confidence grow throughout the lesson reminded me why I continue coaching English conversation at Smith’s School of English, and living in Sagamihara. My purpose was reinforced that day. Very satisfying! I love all of my English students and enjoy helping them. I wonder if they know how much they are helping me?
Trial English lessons at Smith’s School of English are always free and there is never any pressure to join. I’m looking forward to seeing some new faces soon!
スミス英会話相模原校 ジム先生