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- SDGsと思いやり
Why I Love Working With Smith's School of English
“思いやり―スタッフ、オーナーや生徒様を思いやること”は、マークがいつもミーティングの中で言っていることです。他者への思いやりは持続可能な開発目標(SDGs) にも通じ、SDGsは全ての人が幸せに暮らすための手助けになるということが、私たちの会社を見ると明らかです。私たちスミス英会話はみんな幸せです!
Smith’s School of English Founder, Mr. Mark Smith is always available to Smith’s owners- either through a simple email, a phone call, a personal meeting, or regular Smith franchise owner get-togethers. The advice and help I have received over the years from Mr. Smith and our staff are enormous- business, teaching, document writing, translations, etc. They know what they are doing.
But I am reminded of a time when help came without my asking.
March 3, 2011- the “Great Northeastern Earthquake/Tsunami”…. Sagamihara Smith’s School of English wasn’t near the disaster, but surely felt the effects. An immediate shut-down; no electric power. Mark finally got through to me the next morning- “Are you okay, Jim?” “Yes, but stores are out of emergency supplies.” The following morning a big box of supplies arrived at my school from Osaka. That gesture spoke volumes, and I will never forget it. Smith’s Head Office was there for me on a personal level.
So when it comes to support from Smith’s Head Office, it is not always about business, professional development, and money. In fact, money might be near the bottom of the list. As independent owners/teachers, money is something we choose to make, but not at the expense of selfishness and greed. People are more important than money.
“Caring” is something Mark has written and spoken about in meetings- caring about staff, owners, and students. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) help everyone live happily and are evident within this company. We are a happy group of people!
I am also pleased to know that Sagamihara City Promotes SDGs to its companies, employees, and citizens! Sagamihara is a good place to live and work, the job is rewarding, and I couldn’t ask for a better company to work with! Come join me for a free trial lesson! Let’s talk!
スミス英会話相模原校 ジム先生