
Why I Love Teaching English



Mii chan is a new student here at Sagamihara Smith’s School of English. She is a second-year high school student. She also studied at another English conversation school for 9 years prior to joining Smith’s. As a result of those years, she is able to sit in classes here with adults and very often, impress them with her English language skills. She is proof that if parents start their child young, that child will enjoy learning English, develop better pronunciation, fluency, and most importantly- communicative confidence in English. She has it all at age 16.

Recently, I was happy to hear that she was selected to attend a one-week intensive English course in San Francisco this coming summer. Forty students throughout Japan were selected, and she is one of them. She has flown to Hokkaido twice, but has never experienced international travel, so I decided to give her a lesson on what to expect, how to react, and what to say at the airports.

Mii chan knew most of the airport vocabulary, with the exception of “take-off, landing, departure, board, immigrations, occupied, vacant, and customs.” She caught on quickly to the vocabulary, and we practiced the English necessary to get through customs and immigrations in the USA.

This may seem like a “small thing” to some people, but it’s not for a youngster like her. She left my school knowing what to expect and feeling excited about her forthcoming trip to the USA. I intend to review it with her shortly before she departs in July.

This is coaching English (not teaching); and sometimes it’s English for special purposes, as in this case of English for travel. I love helping these people.







スミス英会話相模原校 ジム先生



