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- ZAMAビッグバンドジャズオーケストラ
Why I Love Sagamihara and Japan

オーケストラのリーダーが慎重に適した曲を選びます。最初のセットはいつもストレート・アヘッド・ジャズのミックスです。次のセットはクリスマスやホリデーシーズンの曲を混ぜたミックス。2023年は、ロレンツ・ハートとリチャード・ロジャーズによって作られた“My Funny Valentine”の演奏があり、私にとって本当に特別になりました。リック・ハーシュによるアレンジとラッセル・バンディジュニアの演奏するアルトサックスが特徴です。
Teaching English at Smith’s School of English Sagamihara is something I love doing, and will always be a priority. Playing the trombone is also a part of my identity, and I certainly feel lucky to be able to continue this passion in Japan.
The Zama Big Band Jazz Orchestra is and will always play a big part in my love for living in Sagamihara and Japan. I have written about the group several times, so I will try to keep it short this time. It was a good year for us; the first uninterrupted year since the end of the pandemic. Our final concert of the year was especially good.
“Cliffside,” Yokohama is a very old venue that serves as a dance and concert hall; opening in 1946. With a seating capacity of 200, many famous musicians, bands, and dancers entertained the Japanese citizens for decades. It has an amazing and interesting history. Every year, throughout the month of December, Cliffside hosts several jazz concerts, and we are always lucky enough to bring our music on a Sunday afternoon.
Selecting appropriate music to perform is carefully done by our leaders. The first set is always a good mix of straight ahead jazz. The second set is a mix that contains quite a bit of Christmas and holiday music. Last year (December 2023) was really special to me, mostly due to one piece of music that was performed- “My Funny Valentine,”composed by Lorenz Hart and Richard Rogers. The chart was arranged by Rick Hirsch and features Russell Bundy Jr on alto saxophone.

We also played it last September at a concert in Harmony Hall, Zama City. I am a bit embarrassed to say this, but it choked me up to the point of tears, and one of my students, sitting in the front, noticed! Well, it happened again at Cliffside Yokohama in December. Why?
Musicians hear things that average listeners don’t. In fact, we hear everything going on within a piece of music. Between the intricate harmonies surrounding me within that arrangement and Russell Bundy’s beautiful saxophone, I find it difficult to believe that anyone would not be touched. It sure did happen again, but this time I looked around at the other band members and saw that it was “hitting” them too, especially the trombonist sitting next to me.
I guess my main point in writing this is that the members of the Zama Jazz Orchestra welcomed me and two other Americans to be part of the organization. It makes living in Japan that much better for us. For a long time I thought my musical days were over, but thanks to these kind people, we are able to continue to enjoy it. I really appreciate everyone in the group. They don’t know it, but they are helping me with my continued love for living in Japan.
スミス英会話相模原校 ジム先生