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- スミス英会話相模原校 チャンピオンの生徒様
スミス英会話相模原校 チャンピオンの生徒様
Why I Love Teaching English
スミス英会話相模原校 チャンピオンの生徒様
私は無料体験レッスンを、クラス分けのため、いつものように基本的な質問から始めました。“Where do you live(どこに住んでいますか), what is your job(仕事は何ですか), have you been to any other countries(他の国に行ったことはありますか)”そして最後に“what is your hobby(趣味は何ですか)”。彼女はその質問にはっきりと“fitness(フィットネス)”と答えました。私は“tell me more(もっと教えて)”と聞くと、彼女は週に数回ジムへ行き土曜日はパーソナルトレーナーをしていると言っていました。そうなると私の次の質問は自然と“what gym?(何のジム?)”、彼女は“チャンピオンジム”と答えました。そして私はどこで彼女を見たのかが分かりました!私がジムに通っているわけではありません!
ある夜、相模原校のグループレッスンに生徒様が入ってきて、最後に入室したのがミユさんでした。彼女が自信をもって“Hello”と全員にあいさつすると、教室にいた他の生徒様、ジュンコさんが私を見て“She ‘s my personal trainer at Sagamihara Champion Gym. (彼女は相模原チャンピオンジムの私のパーソナルトレーナーです)”とささやきました。私は笑いを堪えられませんでした。ミユさんは相模原では有名人です。
私はミユさんを迎えることができて嬉しいです、そしてスミス英会話相模原校に来ている他の生徒様も同じです。最近私は彼女になぜ英会話を学ぶのか質問しました。彼女の答えは“I like people and I like talking to people. (私は人が好きで、人と話すことも好きだから。)”これだけで十分。
English students at Smith’s School of English Sagamihara come from all walks of life. The diversity of English students at Smith’s Sagamihara that have come and continue to come is impressive to me. English language learners here in Sagamihara all have a purpose for studying English conversation. This is a short story of an English student that continues to amaze me. It all started from the moment she walked in the door for a trial lesson.
When I saw her face I immediately knew that I had seen her somewhere. She looked very familiar, but I couldn’t figure out why. The next thing I noticed was her confidence. Not nervous at all. She was full of smiles and ready to talk. This is rare at my English school. Most English student trial lessons begin with a nervous or shy person who eventually settles in and leaves as a more confident English speaker. Miyu was already confident. Why?
I started my normal trial English lesson with the basic questions, feeling out her speaking level. “Where do you live, what is your job, have you been to any other countries,” and finally “what is your hobby.” She gave me a strong answer to that question- “fitness.” So I had to say “tell me more.” She said that she goes to the gym several times a week and works as a personal trainer on Saturdays. So naturally, my next question was “what gym?” Answer- “Champion Gym.” And then I knew where I had seen her! But not at the gym!
I make a habit of walking around Sagamihara Chuo-ku most days. I walk different routes every time. One of those routes takes me past “Champion Gym”, Sagamihara. Sagamihara Champion Gym is just a 5 minute walk from my English school. Months ago I noticed a huge poster at the entrance as I was walking by. It was a very impressive poster of the owner of the gym and a woman posing! Ah-ha! That’s where I had seen that face! I have also seen the owner of the gym walking past my English school many times. He is one huge muscle man! And Miyu is super-toned- an excellent example of fitness. In fact, she has participated in body-building competitions and came out a champion herself, winning some medals. I believe much of her confidence comes from her dedication to physical training.
One evening, English students were entering my school for a group class. The last one to enter was Miyu. She walked in with a confident “hello” to everyone, and then Junko (another student) looked at me and whispered “she’s my personal trainer at Sagamihara Champion Gym.” I couldn’t help laughing. Miyu is a bit famous in Sagamihara.
Miyu is very confident. But she’s not “scary confident.” She is not a high-level English speaker. In fact, she makes “a million” mistakes in every lesson! But she communicates so very well and everyone loves her! She lights up the classroom. Other students realize (from her) that mistakes are okay, and English communication is what’s most important. Every class with Miyu involved is funny and very relaxing. Please click this link for a short sample of Miyu maximizing student talk time at Smith’s Sagamihara!
I’m glad I met Miyu, and so are the other English students here at Smith’s Sagamihara. Recently I asked her why she studies English conversation. Her answer- “I like people and I like talking to people.” That’s it.
Trial lessons at Smith’s School of English are always free., Anyone deciding to join just might get a chance to meet, study and enjoy English classes with this champion named Miyu! Come visit me!
スミス英会話相模原校 ジム先生