Tsukaguchi-sub7/塚口校 先生のブログ1

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スミス英会話塚口校 / 先生のブログをちょっと覗いてみませんか?

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Japanese people speaking to me in English

Monday, November 26th, 2007

It is normally rare to hear Japanese people say something to me in English outside my school, but over the last 4 days Japanese people said something to me in English 2 times! That’s amazing! The first time was last Sunday at a Starbucks Coffee shop in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture. I, my wife and a friend ordered some food and drinks in Japanese. Then all of a sudden, the woman serving us said, with a nice smile on her face, “Just a moment, please.” I was surprised and happy to hear English! How kind of her to say something to us in English!The next time was yesterday at DAIEI in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture near my school. I brought a camera that I had bought at a convenience store to have some film developed. I said something about the camera to the assistant in Japanese. She couldn’t understand and asked me, in English, to say it in English! I was really surprised! She could speak English quite well! Wow! I happily told her what I wanted done and she understood right away. I really appreciated the fact that she could speak English!I love having Japanese people say something to me in English! It shows me that they are interested in me and making an effort to communicate with me. I think that is a great thing! I encourage all Japanese people to do the same!


私は、私の学校以外で日本人から英語で話しかけられることはめったにありません。ところがここ数日間にこの珍しいことが二回もありました。すごいでしょう!一回目は、西宮のスターバックスで妻と友達と私で飲み物を注文したときのことです。勿論、私たちは日本語で注文しました。ところが店員さんはニッコリ笑いながら“Just a moment, please.” と言ってくれたのです。私は本当にびっくりし、私が外国人だと知って英語を使ってくれた彼女の気配りがとても嬉しくなりました。二回目は、きのう私の学校の近くのダイエーでのことです。私はコンビニで買ったフィルムを現像してもらおうとカメラを持って行きました。そして日本語でそのことを一所懸命言ったつもりなのですが・・・残念ながら通じませんでした。するとその店員さんは何と英語で聞き返してくれたのです!しかもペラペラと!わあ!!私は本当に驚いてしまいました。私は感激し、英語でフィルムを現像してくれるようお願いしました。日本語ではあんなに苦労して通じなかったことが、その店員さんの英 語のお陰で私の用事はサッと片付いてしまいました。私は日本の人たちが私に英語で話しかけてくれるととても嬉しいです。私たち外国人に興味を持ち、そして努力して英語で話そうとしてくれるのがわかるからそう思うのです。私は日本人のそうした努力は素晴らしいと思います。すべての日本人が恥ずかしがらずに気軽に私に英語で話しかけてくれたらどんなにいいでしょう!!

Student starts conversation with a foreigner

Thursday, November 22nd, 2007

Today a student told me something that really pleased me. She said that she had seen 3 foreigners in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture recently while on her way somewhere. She approached one of them, a woman, and asked her where she was from in English. The foreigner answered in English, saying that she was from Poland. My student said something else to her in English and then was on her way.My student was happy to have been able to communicate with the foreigner. I am happy that English allowed her to do that and also really happy that she approached the foreigner and started the conversation! That’s communicative confidence and that’s what I coach as a Coach of Communicative Confidence at Smith’s! Hearing a story like this makes me proud of what I do.


今日、生徒さんの一人からとても嬉しいことを聞きました。自分の英語が外国人に通じたと嬉しそうに話してくれたのです。彼女は、同じ三人の外国人を西宮でよく見かけるので、ずっと英語で話しかけたいと思っていたそうです。そして遂にその中の一人の女性に“Where are you from?”と勇気を出して聞いたところ、その女性は“I’m from Poland.”と答えてくれました。嬉しくなって彼女は他にもいろいろ英語で聞いたそうです。その生徒さんは、外国人と英語であんなに楽しく話せるなんてと本当に嬉しそうでした。私もこの話を聞いてとても嬉しくなりました。私はいつも生徒さんに、ただ英語を楽しむだけでなく実際に外国人とのコニュニケーションの手段としてその英語を使ってもらえたらどんなにいいだろうと思ってレッスンをしています。だからこの生徒さんのように、実際に日頃のレッスンの成果を、自信を持って外国人にぶつけ英語で楽しく会話が出来たというのを聞くと、スミス英会話のカリキュラムとそれを伝える私のリードの仕方は間違っていないんだと私自身嬉しく、また頑張るぞ!とファイトが沸いてくるのです。

Going to the movies

Sunday, November 18th, 2007

Last Saturday after work I and my wife went to the movies with a student of mine. He had invited us and we had happily accepted! He picked us up in his car. We went to MOVIX ROKKO on ROKKO ISLAND in Kobe. We watched The Bourne Ultimatum, starring Matt Damon. http://thebourneultimatum.com/ It was really exciting! The action and camera shots were amazing! We enjoyed some popcorn while watching the movie and had a great time together! It’s fun when students invite me out. I really enjoy doing stuff with students outside of the classroom and I think it’s also a great opportunity for them to practice their English!



Supporting local businesses

Tuesday, November 13th, 2007

I do flyer exchange with some local businesses such as a travel agency, an Okonomiyaki restaurant, a Japanese restaurant, a hair salon and a piano school. Some, like the hair salon and Okonomiyaki restaurant, have even let me put up laminated Smith’s posters on their walls. How nice! I get my hair cut at the hair salon, sometimes have dinner at the Okonomiyaki restaurant with my wife, have held school events at the Japanese restaurant and now buy my airline tickets at the travel agency. One of my students is a student at the piano school. I place the flyers from the local businesses in the entrance of my school where my students can grab them easily. I love being able to support local businesses and having them support my school in return!



Postings making students happy

Monday, November 12th, 2007

This morning I handed out some flyers at my station. As always some of my students passed me on their way to work and greeted me as they passed me. I really enjoy meeting students. One of my students stopped to talk to me as he always does. He mentioned he had read something I had posted on the Smith’s web site about a toy helicopter we both had gotten and our adventure together making mine fly. He said that he had been very happy reading my post. I was happy to have made him happy! I love making students happy!You can read what I wrote .The title is “Having fun with a student at Smith’s Tsukaguchi”. Enjoy!



I often go to Starbucks Coffee at a shopping mall (a “Carrefour”) in Amagasaki City by bicycle. As I am a regular customer, some of the staff knows me. Recently one of the staff told me(in Japanese) that the shop there would be open until November 11th then closing and that a new shop would be opening next January at Tsukashin, a shopping mall in Tsukaguchi which is closer to my home and school. I was sad to hear that the shop would be closing but happy to hear another one would be opening in my area!One another day when I was there with my Japanese wife, a staff member came to me and asked me if I could help him tell a foreigner about the shop closing and the new one opening. I of course wanted to help out. I got up and I told the foreigner the information in English. The staff thanked me for helping and I sat back down at my table next to my wife. She was talking to an elderly couple at the table next to us about what I had just done, in Japanese. I joined in the conversation and was happy to be able to communicate with the couple using Japanese. When they got up to leave, the elderly man said “goodbye” to me in English. That was very nice!



Helping a Japanese couple communicate with a foreigner at their wedding party

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

My wife works in a dental clinic. One of the staff, a Japanese lady, will be getting married soon in Japan. She has a sister that lives in Canada who is married to a Canadian man. Her sister will be coming to her wedding in Japan with her Canadian husband, who doesn’t understand Japanese. The couple getting married wants to give the Canadian a short letter at the wedding party in English. However they can’t write it in English themselves. Knowing that my wife, who is Japanese, is married to me, a Canadian, they asked my wife if I could translate a letter into English for them. My wife asked me and I of course agreed to do it. My wife read it to me in Japanese. I was surprised how well I understood the Japanese. With some help from my wife I was able to translate the letter into English. I am very happy to have been able to help this Japanese couple communicate with a foreigner at their wedding party.



Cinnamon rolls, scones and coffee

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

Today I will give my first lesson at 4pm. I started the day by doing some flyers in the morning, then I was free to do what I wanted until 4pm. I slept a bit then biked over to a mall about 15 minutes from home. I took my time. The weather was great and I love biking on nice days. I got to the mall and went to Starbucks Coffee there. I ordered a cinnamon roll, cinnamon scone and some hot coffee. I sat down on a nice cushioned seat and enjoyed my food and coffee. I’ve got to say that those cinnamon rolls are the best cinnamon rolls I have ever eaten. Since discovering them years ago, I have eaten heaps of them! The cinnamon scones are real good too! The staff warms both of them up for me and they sure are yummy warmed up. Add the hot coffee with honey, sugar and cream, and I am one happy guy!After the food and coffee, I read my English newspaper, which I have delivered to my door daily. Then it was time for studying a bit of Japanese. I studied notes from my last language exchange session. This was all very relaxing. After spending a pleasant time I biked back home. I am now writing this message and will soon be leaving for work. I love this lifestyle!

<忙中 閑あり>2007年11月1日(木)


My students recommending Smith’s

Monday, October 29th, 2007

Last week a student of mine asked me for a brochure to give to her friend who is interested in studying English. Great! Then today, another student showed up to her lesson with a friend of hers, who asked for brochures for her and her friend, who are interested in studying English too! Wow! Today’s student told me that she had recommended they study with me. How wonderful! I am so glad to see this happening! I am happy to see that my students enjoy my lessons and recommend me and Smith’s to others. Keeping my students happy is important to me and when I see that they are, I am happy too. (^.^)



Halloween decorations making students smile

Monday, October 22nd, 2007

Halloween is part of my culture in Canada and so I decided to put up some Halloween decorations at my school for my students and me. I bought a real-looking plastic jack-o’-lantern, which I put in the entrance. Next to it I put a goblin puppet that laughs when you squeeze the mouth inside! This makes students laugh. On a wall I hung a ”Happy Halloween” decoration and stuck some cute paper bats above it. When students arrive they can see a picture of a jack-o’-lantern with the words “trick or treat” on the school door. When they come in and leave, they can see some drawing of witches, ghosts, etc. on the inside of the school door, which that I drew with a 7 year old student.I think making students smile, laugh and relax are important and I am happy my decorations can help me do that. At the same time, I enjoyed making, buying and putting up the decorations! Have a happy Halloween!


“I enjoy these lessons.

”Friday, August 10th, 2007

Last night at Smith’s Tsukaguchi, I was saying goodbye to a student in the entrance when she told me that she enjoyed my lessons. This made me happy.I really like it when students tell me that they enjoy my lessons. Some tell me I am a good teacher and of course I like that too! Some have written nice things about me for my web site as you can see herehttps://smithweb.co.jp/sub/tsukaguchi/sub4.shtml . I really appreciate their support.I always aim to keep students happy. I believe that to be happy, students need to enjoy the lessons and feel that they are improving. I therefore do my best to offer them enjoyable lessons that help them improve their communicative confidence. When they tell me they enjoy my lessons, I feel like I have done my job well and that’s a great feeling!

昨夜、ある生徒さんのレッスンが終わったあと、私はいつものように教室の玄関まで見送り「さよなら」の挨拶をしましたが、その生徒さんは「メチャメチャ楽しいレッスンでした!」と言ってくれました。この言葉に私は疲れを忘れてしまいました。生徒さんの「レッスンが楽しい!」の一言は実に嬉しいものです。生徒さんの何人かは、私がとても良い先生だと言ってくれますが勿論 これは私にとって最高の褒め言葉です。私のウェブサイトにも何人かの生徒さんが私と私の学校のことを書いてくれています。こちらから生徒さんの声をお楽しみ頂けます。このウェブサイトを開くにあたって生徒の皆さんに協力していただき私はとても感謝しています。私は生徒の皆さんに一番必要なのは楽しくそして英会話力が確実に身につくことだと信じています。いつも私は皆さんに楽しんでもらうことによってコミュニケーション力をつけてもらえるよう一生懸命レッスンしています。全力投球のレッスンの後、生徒さんから「楽しかったです!」と本当に楽しそうに言ってもらったとき「あ~一生懸命やってよかった!」「また頑張ろう!」と毎回思うのです。

Having fun with a student at Smith’s Tsukaguchi

Thursday, August 2nd, 2007

One of my students at Smith’s Tsukaguchi told me he had bought a mini remote controlled helicopter called HoneyBee that you fly indoors. He also told me he had told a coworker about it and that his coworker had also bought one and was enjoying it very much. It sounded like a lot of fun! He said he would bring it next time and he would show me. His next lesson he brought it and we tried it before his lesson. It was cute but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to get it.Last weekend I, my wife and her brother and his girlfriend were at a shopping center called Diamond City Terracehttp://terrace.diamondcity.co.jp/ in nearby Itami City having a good time. We had some time to kill before watching the new Harry Potter movie at the movie theater there. I decided to go to Toys “R” Us to check out if they had the HoneyBee helicopter, so we all went there. I found it and couldn’t help buying it!When I got home I tried my new toy. I couldn’t get it to fly and I couldn’t figure out why! I decided to ask my student for help the next time I’d see him. A few days ago he came for a lesson. I told him about my problem and he agreed to help me. After his lesson I took out my HoneyBee. I put it on the floor and tried the remote control. It flew! I was happy! I guess the carpet and the narrow hallway at my home had not been good places for taking off. My student flew it too and I was happy to see that there was nothing wrong with it after all. My student showed me how to make it fly straight from your hand!I got home and tried my HoneyBee, making it fly straight from my hand. It worked wonderfully and both I and my wife were happy! It is very small, cute, stable and lots of fun to play with! I love my HoneyBee!



Having a great time doing language exchange

Wednesday, July 25th, 2007

A little over two years ago I asked a student who had been studying with me for some time if she would be interested in doing language exchange(Japanese-English) with me. She said “yes” and we got started. We have now been doing language exchange for over 2 years, meeting once a week for usually a little over 2 hours. It has been a great experience for both of us and lots of fun! Recently she started telling me Japanese stories for kids in Japanese, such as “Peach Boy” and “Tanabata” then asking me questions on them. I like the stories and she says that my Japanese is getting better. She very much enjoys teaching me Japanese and is a great teacher. I am very lucky to have her as my teacher.

<日本語学習を楽しんでいます>2007年7月25日(水)今から2年ちょっと前、その時もう何年か私の学校に通ってくれていた生徒さんに「もしもっと英会話を学びたかったら私も日本語を勉強したいと思っているので、お互い教え合いをしませんか?」と言ってみました。その生徒さんは「願ってもないことです!」と言ってくれ、私たちは“language exchange”と名づけてさっそく勉強会をスタートさせました。毎週1回2時間余りのこの勉強会は私にとっても、その生徒さんにとっても外国語を学ぶ楽しさと、自分の国の言葉を外国人に教える難しさを学ぶ大変良い経験となり毎回大いに楽しみながら、もう2年以上も続けています。最近、私の先生(その生徒さんです^.^)は日本の民話を話して聞かせてくれるようになりました。桃太郎や七夕といった日本の子供達が誰でも知っている民話を、勿論、日本語で話し、そしてどれくらい私が聞き取れたか日本語で質問してくれます。私は楽しくて仕方ありません。それに私の先生は私の日本語がとても良くなってきたと誉めてくれます。私の先生も私に日本語を教えるのを本当に楽しんでいるようです。私は良い日本語の先生に出会えたことをとても幸せに思っています。

Visiting a student at the hospital

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

Last spring a student who has been studying over 3 years with me at Smith’s TsukaguchiSchool was staying at a hospital in Sakai City,Osaka . She was recovering from an operation. Her sister, also a student at my school who has been studying at my school for over 4 years, mentioned that she was going to go and visit her on Sunday of the same week. My wife and I had been thinking about going to visit my student at the hospital, so I suggested that we all go visit her together. Her sister was pleased by the offer however mentioned it was far from my home and on our day off. I insisted and she accepted to go with us. I asked her not to tell her sister in the hospital that we were coming with her because I wanted to surprise her.We went to the hospital. My student in the hospital was VERY surprised and happy that we had come. After the visit, she sent us an email thanking us and gave us thank you gifts later when she came out of the hospital. She still mentions that visit to me these days at Smith’s Tsukaguchi School. I am happy to have made her so happy.

<お見舞い>2007年7月18日(水)今年の春、私の生徒さんの一人で会社を永年勤続退職後3年も私の学校に通ってくれていた人が堺市の、ある病院に足の手術のため入院しました。彼女のお姉さんももう4年以上も私の生徒さんで、彼女の手術後のある日、その週の日曜日に彼女の病院へ行くとレッスンの後で言いました。 私と妻も彼女のお見舞いに行こうと話し合っていたので、私は一緒に行かないかと誘ってみました。お姉さんはとても喜んでくれましたが「堺はとても遠いし、折角のお休みに生徒のお見舞いなんて申し訳ない!」と言いました。しかし私は妻と絶対行くと決めていたので再度そのことを伝えると、私たちと行くことを遠慮がちに承諾してくれました。私は入院中の生徒さんをびっくりさせたかったので、お姉さんに私達夫婦が一緒に行くことを入院している生徒さんに言わないで欲しいと頼みました。だから私たちが病院に行ったとき彼女は本当にびっくりし、そしてとっても喜んでくれました。私たちが帰ったあと彼女は手術後にもかかわらず嬉しかったことを英語でメールをくれ、退院後は快気祝ということで私と妻には本当に嬉しいものをプレゼントしてくれました。あれからもう・・半年も経っているのに今だに彼女はあの時の嬉しかったことをレッスンの時に言います。私はあのお見舞いがこんなにも彼女を喜ばせたと思うと本当によかったと思います。

Helping locals with English pronunciation

Thursday, July 12th, 2007

I just came back from PIERROT, a hair salon where I get my haircuts. The owner owns 3 shops. I go to the one in Tsukaguchi .It’s less than 10 minutes by bicycle from my school, Smith’s Tsukaguchi School.The staff there is very friendly and the service is great. They let me put a Smith’s poster on their wall, which was very nice of them. The owner cuts my hair himself and my cuts are always excellent. Today he asked me the difference between “born” and “bone”. He knew the meanings, but they sounded the same when he would say them. I showed him how to correctly pronounce “born”, focusing on the pronunciation of “r”. He repeated it several times and got it. Once he knew how to pronounce “born” correctly, it didn’t sound like “bone” anymore. I am happy that I could help him with his English pronunciation.

オーナーは店を3軒も持っていて、私は塚口校から自転車で10分弱のところにある塚口店に行っています。店のスタッフは全員とても親切でサービスは満点です。店の壁にはオーナーの好意でスミス英会話のポスターを貼らせてもらっています。私のカットはいつもオーナーがやってくれ私はとても気に入っています。私は今日そのオーナーにborn(生まれる)とbone(骨 )の違いを聞かれました。彼は意味の違いは知っていましたが、発音の違いはわからないようでした。私は正しい発音、特にbornの “r”にしぼって発音してみました。彼は何回か練習し最後には正しく発音できるようになりました。オーナーは今後もうbornとboneを間違えることはないと思います。私は英語の発音を通して地元の人々とこうした素敵な交流ができることを嬉しく思っています。

Enjoying hobbies in Japan

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

My father once told me that the most important thing in life is your health. I absolutely agree with him. If you don’t take care of your body, you will eventually pay for it. That’s a fact.I am 33 years old and I realize that I can greatly reduce my chances of developing health problems that may occur as I get older by doing regular exercise. I am amazed when I see my father who is over 70 years old, still lifting weights, using a rowing machine and doing sit-ups. He is still strong, his mind is sharp, he’s in great shape and doesn’t have any health problems. If you met him you’d never think he’s over 70. He also keeps a healthy diet. I definitely would like to be like him when I’m his age.Right now I am a member at a fitness club called TIPNESS http://www.tipness.co.jp/ which is conveniently located near my school, Smith’s Tsukaguchi School . I mostly do weight training, normally about 4 times a week for about 30 minutes each time. At the Tsukaguchi branch where I am a member, they close at 11pm Monday’s through Fridays, 10pm on Saturdays and 8pm on Sundays and open early in the mornings. This is very convenient with my schedule. I prefer training at night so I often go late at night after work before they close. Training feels great after a day of work keeps me strong and healthy. I highly recommend it.


Enjoying Japan with students

Sunday, July 8th, 2007

A few months ago a student that I teach at Smith’s Tsukaguchi School invited me, my wife, someone I do flyers with and his girlfriend to lunch at a restaurant at Kobe Fashion Plaza on Rokko Island in Kobe. We had lunch at a buffet-style, organic restaurant there. The food was very good. After that my student took us to Price Club where we bought some imported sweets. We had a good time that day. It was very nice of my student to invite us. He has invited us to go again and we have accepted!Recently I decided to invite that student to go shopping at COSTCO with my wife and I where we are members http://www.costco.co.jp/. We like shopping there as I can get things at wholesale prices. We buy some things for Smith’s Tsukaguchi School there such as Oolong Tea and sweets for students. Today we went there with my student. We did some shopping and before leaving we had lunch at a Food Court there. We had some jumbo hot dogs that they sell there, which were very good! My student had a very good time and thanked us. We had a good time too! Oh and before leaving, I bumped into a fellow Smith’s school owner and Coach of Communicative Confidence from Smith’s School!


