スミス英会話塚口校 / 大阪城公園でのお花見2011

The 2011 Joint Smith’s School of English Cherry Blossom Viewing(Hanami) Event in Osaka
2011年 “スミス英会話・合同花見イベント” 大阪で開催
Last Sunday seven Smith’s schools held a joint school cherry blossom viewing (hanami) event at Osaka Castle Park in Osaka. Around 100 people attended this big annual event. Some teachers (including myself) arrived very early in the morning to secure a great spot for the event. It was chilly day and the cherry blossoms were only partly bloomed due to longer than usual cold weather, however we still had a great time!
この間の日曜日、スミス英会話では7校合同の花見イベントを大阪城公園で開催しました。 恒例のこの大きなイベントに、今年は100名余りのみなさんが参加してくれました。この日は私を含めた何人かのスミス英会話の講師たちが、参加のみなさんに喜んでもらおうと、桜が一番綺麗に見える場所を押さえるために本当に朝早く大阪城公園に集合しました。当日はあいにくの寒い日で、また今年の長く続いた寒さのために期待した桜もまだ3部咲き程度でしたが、参加者全員が “来て良かった!” と思える楽しいイベントになりました!

We had a nice picnic lunch and enjoyed talking to each other. With my group from Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi, I played a kind of game in English and a student of mine entertained us with some magic! My wife and daughter Tina (seven months old now) attended the event too. Tina got lots of attention, especially from Smith’s School of English’s Head Office Team who also participated in the event. (^.^)

Such English conversation school events are so fun, no only for students but also for the teachers! This was our fourth joint Smith’s School of English cherry blossom viewing event. I look forward to the fifth! (^.^)