スミス英会話塚口校 / 先生のブログ4
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Enjoying shopping at COSTCO in Japan
Tuesday, July 1st, 2008
I love COSTCO in Japan! Last Sunday we had an appointment to go to there with a former coworker of my wife, his wife and his four-year-old boy. He and his wife had wanted to check out COSTCO and my wife had said that they could go with us. They picked us up by van. It was about a 10 minute drive away. My wife’s former coworker and his wife decided to become COSTCO members right away, so they filled out a sheet of paper, stood in line, had their pictures taken and were given member cards. We all had a great time shopping. I and my wife bought full of stuff, including some sweets to give to the Smith’s head office team, whose great work I very much appreciate! My wife’s coworker and his family had a bite to eat at the Food Court. Then they drove me and my wife back home. We invited them in and they accepted. We chatted in Japanese and they checked out our recently bought 40-inch TV! We all had some delicious fruit tea, brewed in a nice clear glass kettle I and my wife had brought back to Japan from Canada. I and the boy ate Timtams, delicious cookies from Australia! Before leaving, the boy’s parents mentioned going to COSTCO with us again. You bet we will!
私は日本のコストコ(アメリカ生まれの会員制大型雑貨店)が大好きです。先週の日曜日、私と妻は、妻の前の職場の同僚とその奥さん、そして4歳になるそのご夫婦の男のお子さんと一緒にコストコへ行きました。その同僚と奥さんはずーっとコストコに行きたいと言っていたので、私の妻が一緒に行こうと誘ってあげたのです。同僚は私たち夫婦を彼らのバンで迎えにきてくれ、私たちは10分ほどでコストコに着きました。妻の同僚夫婦はすぐにコストコの会員になることを決めました。申込書に必要事項を記入し、他の申し込みの人たちの列に並んで、メンバーカードに貼る写真を撮って、遂にメンバーカードを手に入れました。私たちは買い物を楽しみ、私と妻はたくさん買い込みました。その中には、いつも私をサポートしてくれるスミス英会話本部のスタッフのみなさんへのお礼のスイーツもあります。彼らの協力に私は本当に感謝しています!その同僚一家はフードコーナーで軽い食事をしました。それからまた私たちを家まで車で送ってくれました。私たちは「ちょっとお寄りになりませんか?」と誘ったところ快く我が家に来てくれました。私たちは日本語でおしゃべりを楽しみ、そして最近買った40インチのテレビを見ました! 私たちはカナダ旅行のときに買った素敵なガラスのポットにフルーツ紅茶を入れて楽しみました。私と4歳の男の子は“ティムタム”を食べました。ティムタムはオーストラリアの本当に美味しいクッキーです。その男の子の両親は帰る前に、また私たちとコストコへ行きましょうと言いました。きっと実現しますよ!
A student helps me out
Thursday, November 22nd, 2007
Friday, June 20th, 2008
I wanted to go to the hospital and speak to an English speaking doctor, so I asked a student of mine, who is a nurse at Itami City Hospital in Hyogo Prefecture, if she knew any English speaking doctors. She said that a doctor who she works with studied in the U.S.A. and probably speaks some English. I told her that I would like to see him. She spoke to him and let me know when I could go and see him. I met him yesterday and we spoke in English, which was great.I really appreciate my student’s help. When I need help with something here in Japan, it is nice to know that I can always ask my students at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi for their help.
The Pleasure of Getting New Students
Monday, June 9th, 2008
Things are rolling at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture! Not even halfway through June, I’ve already given 3 trial lessons, and all three trial lesson students have joined my school! That’s three for three! Two people found Smith’s on the internet and the other person received a flyer years ago and checked out the web site too! I am thrilled to see more and more potential students finding Smith’s School of English on the internet!I’m ready to give more trial lessons! Keep them coming!
The Pleasure of Getting New Students
Monday, June 9th, 2008
It is always a joy when people come in for trial lessons at my school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi, then join my school. Trial lesson students are often nervous and lack confidence in their English ability. It is my job to make them feel relaxed and show them that yes, they can learn to speak English or improve their English speaking skills and have a great time doing so too! Doing this gives me great pleasure. I love seeing trial lesson students make the decision to join my school and leave looking forward to their first lesson!
私の体験レッスンを受けた人が、私の学校・スミス英会話塚口校に入学してくれたとき、私はいつも嬉しくなります。体験レッスンの生徒さんは殆どみなさん緊張し自分の英語力に自信がないように見えます。そんな生徒さんの緊張をほぐし、くつろいだ雰囲気をつくり、「それでいいんですよ」と励まし自信を持ってもらうのが、私にできる第一番の仕事だと思っています。そうすることで、ちゃんと英語が勉強でき生徒さんのスキルアップにもつながると確信しています。勿論、楽しく英会話を学んでもらえます! みなさんに英会話を楽しんでもらえたとき、気分は最高です。体験レッスンの生徒さんがその場で入学を決め「1回目のレッスンを楽しみにしています!」と楽しそうに帰ったときは本当に嬉しくなります。
Buying a new digital TV
Thursday,May 29th,2008
In 2011 Japan will discontinue analog television broadcasting. Analog TVs will be unable to receive TV shows broadcast in Japan without special digital tuners. At my home, I and my wife had an analog TV. We deceided to get a new, digital one. Last Sunday, we went shopping at Yodobashi Camera in Umeda, Osaka. We wanted a Sony, as we also have Sony computers and cameras. We had previously had a look at 26-inch and 32-inch TVs, and had decided that a 32-inch one would be best for our living room. However, when we went back to Yodobashi Camera last Sunday, we thought the 40-inch TVs looked really nice. Suddenly, the 32-inch one wasn’t so interesting anymore! We really liked the Sony Bravia, which has speakers on both sides, unlike some other TVs that just have a speaker at the bottom. We thought the sound would be better, and we liked the size and style. We ended up buying one and it’s great! In addition to the TV, we got me a nice Philips electric shaver, using “points” that we received with the purchase of the TV. “Points” are given to you if you have a “Gold Point Card”. They are worth money at the store and can be used to buy stuff there. As we got lots of “points” with the TV purchase, we were able to get the shaver for free. Now that was a good deal!We plan to get cable TV with channels in English, like BBC News. I am looking forward to watching the news and movies in English on our new 40-inch TV! We have some popcorn too! We’re all set! It’s movie time!!
A taste of Canada at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi
Monday, may 19th, 2008
When I made a trip to my hometown in Canada during the Smith’s Golden Week holiday, I bought some sweets for my students at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi and brought them back to Japan. I got some candies made from Maple syrup and an assortment of cookies. I always enjoy offering my students sweets and drinks at my school. Offering them things made in Canada is something that I especially enjoy doing.While in Canada, I also bought some things to stick on my school’s walls. I got some laminated pictures of Canada, which were actually meant to be used as place mats. However I thought they were very pretty and would make nice pictures on my school’s walls, so I bought a bunch of them. I also got a laminated map of Canada. When I came back to Japan, I stuck them up in my school to be enjoyed by all. They made a nice addition to the flags of Quebec and Canada, which are on the wall above my whiteboard.With the flags, the map, the photos, the sweets and me being Canadian, I hope to create an enjoyable environment for my students to study in and to enhance their interest in Canada at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture.
<日本のカナダ - スミス英会話塚口校>2008年5月19日(月)
Great trip to Canada during Smith’s holiday
Thursday, May 8th, 2008
During the Smith’s Golden Week holiday, I took a break from my enjoyable work at my school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, and made a trip to Canada with my wife. We stayed with my parents in my hometown and had a great time. We saw family and friends, ate great food, did some sightseeing and relaxed. It was nice to get away but now it’s nice to be back in Japan, feeling refreshed!The Smith’s Golden Week holiday was 12 days long. This year there are 89 days off on the Smith’s holiday calendar. Smith’s holidays are important as they allow me time to relax and travel abroad to spend time with family and friends. Thank you very much Smith’s head office!
Cute little bakery in town
Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008
There is a cute little bakery near my English conversation school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi, and my home in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture. It is called Feinbrot. They make absolutely delicious croissants and other things there. I love going there on Sunday mornings, picking up some croissants and pastries, then biking back home to have them with my wife. We brew some nice coffee (from Starbucks Coffee) and enjoy everything while listening to music and chatting. It really is a lovely way to start our day off. Everything we’ve had there has been delicious. We especially like the almond croissant, which has a truly amazing taste and contains macadamia nuts. We also enjoy croissants with chocolate inside and some pastries with custard filling. I usually choose one that has sliced strawberries on top. With custard filling inside, it’s a real delight!At the bakery, the woman I see at the cash register(who looks like an owner) is friendly. I recently introduced a student of Smith’s Tsukaguchi School to the shop. My student thanked me and so did the woman at the bakery. My wife and I love croissants and pastries, and we really appreciate having a place like this located near our home in Tsukaguchi! We are happy to recommend this bakery to others!