スミス英会話塚口校 / 先生のブログ3
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5 Smith’s schools hold event together
Friday, April 11th, 2008
On April 6, 2008 Smith’s Tsukaguchi, Okamoto, Fuse, Horie and Otsu schools held a cherry blossom viewing party(hanami) together at Osaka Castle Park in Osaka. We had a great time! My school brought 23 people and a total of over 80 people attended the event! I arrived early in the morning (at about 7:00am) and met up with other Smith’s coaches of communicative confidence. Then we set out in the park looking for a good spot. We found a fantastic one, right under cherry blossoms that were in full bloom. We put some sheets down on the ground to save the spot and guarded it until we started the party. I met my students at JR Tachibana station at 12:00pm and led them to our great spot! We ate, drank, played games in English and sang some songs in English. My school did a great job at singing “On Top of the World” by the Carpenters! Many pictures were taken and one of my students even prepared a video of the event! How nice! I’ve watched it and it’s great! I hope to hold more events with other Smith’s schools!
2008年4月6日、スミス英会話の関西地区にある5つの学校(我が塚口校、岡本校、布施校、堀江校、そして大津校)が合同で大阪城公園での花見大会を開催しました。私たちは本当に楽しい一日を過ごしました! 私の学校からは23人の参加があり、5校トータルでは80人以上にもなりました。私を含め各校の講師達はその日、早朝7時に現地集合し、良い場所を探し求めて歩きました。そしてまさに満開の桜の下の絶好の花見席を確保することができました。私たちは総勢80人分の広い場所全体に用意してきたシートを敷き、集合時間のお昼12時までその場所の番をしました。時間になって私は留守番を残して集合場所のJR森ノ宮駅まで生徒のみなさんを迎えに行きました。そしてまたあの素晴らしい花見席へとみなさんを誘導しました。私たちは大いに食べて飲んでそして英語ゲームを楽しみました。それからみんなで英語の歌も歌いましたが、私たち塚口校はカーペンタースのトップ・オブ・ザ・ワールドを大合唱しました。あちこちで写真もパチパチ写していましたが、私の生徒さんの一人はビデオカメラを持ってきてイベントの様子をすべて撮ってくれました。ほんとに嬉しいことです!私はもうそのビデオを見せてもらいましたが、当日の桜のこの上もなく美しい景色やみんなの楽しそうな様子が映し出されていて最高でした!私はまたスミス英会話の合同イベントが出来たらいいなと思っています。
Being known in the community
Tuesday, April 1st, 2008
Last week I gave a free trial lesson at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture. My trial student joined! I asked her how she had found out about my school. She said that she had first seen me doing flyers at Hankyu-Tsukaguchi station and had received a flyer there two or three years ago. Since then she had also seen me shopping with my wife at DAIEI, a supermarket in Tsukaguchi. In addition, a boy of hers goes to the same school as a seven year old student that I teach at my school! Wow! She also lives in the next door building! How convenient for her! It was great to hear that people in my community notice me and know what I do. I usually wear a Smith’s jacket or t-shirt to make sure they do!
Smith’s Flyers, Web Site and Head Office Team
Monday, March 17th, 2008
When I started working in the Smith’s system about 6 years ago, there wasn’t a Smith’s Japanese web site, so I used to get most of my students from flyers that I handed out at train stations. Thanks to Smith’s head office, my school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture now has a powerful web site! Thank you very much Smith’s head office!I didn’t hand out any flyers between December of last year and mid March of this year but I still got quite a few trial lessons, almost all from the web site. That was pretty exciting! This month the weather has been getting warmer and I’ve started handing out flyers again. The combination of flyers, the web site and the Smith’s head office team is powerful. I hope to get many new students!
私がスミス英会話で英語を教え始めた6年前には、スミス英会話にはまだインターネットの日本語ホームページがありませんでした。ですから新しい生徒さんを募集するときにはいつも、私の学校に通ってもらえる範囲の電車の駅前でビラ配りをしていました。しかし今スミス英会話本部のお陰で、兵庫県尼崎市にある私のスミス英会話塚口校も素晴らしいホームページを持てるようになりました。本部のスタッフのみなさん! 本当にありがとう!私は去年の12月からつい最近までビラ配りをしていませんでした。それでも私のホームページを見た何人かの人たちが、私の学校のことを知って体験レッスンを受けに来てくれました。これはスゴイことです!3月に入りだんだん暖かく過ごしやすくなってきたので、私はまたビラ配りを始めました。このビラ配りとホームページ、そしてスミス英会話本部スタッフのサポートが一緒になったとき、スミス英会話のことを大勢の方々に知ってもらえる最大のパワーになると信じています。どうかたくさんの新しい生徒さんが来てくれますように!デレック
Spring is just around the corner!
Thursday, March 11th, 2008
Spring is my favourite season in Japan. After the cold winter, it’s wonderful to get mild weather and to start wearing lighter clothes. I had been wearing a down jacket during the cold period but yesterday I switched to my lighter Smith’s School of English jacket. I prefer wearing it to the down jacket because my school’s name is written in big characters on the back. People can see them as I go around Tsukaguchi. It’s great advertising for my school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi, as well as the entire Smith’s system!I can’t wait until the cherry blossoms bloom. They are so pretty! They are my favourite part of spring. I am looking forward to seeing them in full bloom at the next Smith’s event on April 6, when Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi and some other Smith’s schools will hold a hanami (flower viewing)party together at Osaka Castle Park in Osaka! There should be plenty of cherry blossoms there for everybody to enjoy!
Ladies first
Thursday, March 6th, 2008
When group lesson students finish their lesson at Smith’s School of English in Tsukaguchi and all head towards the exit to leave, I sometimes say “ladies first”, inviting the ladies to go before the guys. In Japan, it is men first, so to hear me say that to them seems to make them happy, and the guys happily let them go first with a smile. I love making my students happy.
Helping local travel agent with his English
Monday, March 3rd, 2008
Today I bought some airline tickets and travel insurance to go to Canada with my wife during a coming Smith’s School of English holiday. I bought them a local H.I.S. travel agency, not far from my Smith’s School of English in Tsukaguchi, Amagaski City. The service is excellent and one of the staff members can speak English quite well, which I really appreciate! While explaining something to me in English, the travel agent used “until” when he should have used “by”. Before leaving the shop, I kindly mentioned this to him and explained the difference between the two. He understood and thanked me for the correction. I was happy to have been able to help him with his English!
Student doing translations for me
Sunday, March 1st, 2008
A student of mine at Smith’s School of English in Tsukaguchi, who has been studying with me for about 4 years, does all of the English to Japanese translations on my school’s web site for me. We also do language exchange and exchange e-mail in addition to her lessons with me at Smith’s. She does not want to accept any money for the translating. For her, doing translations for me, exchanging e-mail and doing language exchange, in addition to her regular English lessons, all help her improve her English skills so that’s how I pay her back. She is doing a great job and I really appreciate her help!
Smith’s seminar and my next event
Monday, February 25th, 2008
Yesterday I attended a Smith’s seminar at the Smith’s head office in Osaka. It was great to see fellow franchisees there and talk with them. As always, I had a great time and learned very interesting things from Mark Smith. He really cares about our success. Mark, who is already a very successful foreigner in Japan, wants all Smith’s franchisees to be very successful too. I think that is a very good thing. Thank you very much Mark! I appreciate your support!After the Smith’s seminar, I and some other franchisees went to a restaurant together and had a great time! We agreed to hold an event together at Osaka Castle Park in Osaka in spring (a hanami party). We will all bring some students from our schools! I think it will be a great opportunity for my students to meet other foreigners and practice their English skills! I’m looking forward to it!
私は昨日スミス英会話の定例セミナーに参加するため大阪の本部へ出掛けました。スミス英会話各校の講師が集まって話し合い素晴らしい会合となりました。私はいつものように大変有意義な時間を過ごし社長のマーク・スミスからも大変興味深い話を聞くことができました。社長は本当にいつも私たち講師をバックアップしてくれます。マークはこの日本で学校事業を成功させていてスミス英会話の各校すべてがうまくいくようにと応援してくれています。それはとても素晴らしいことだと思います。マークありがとう! わたしはいつも社長のサポートに感謝しています。このセミナーのあと私は何人かの講師たちと一緒にレストランへ行きました。私たちはまた楽しく話し合い、春に大阪城公園での花見を各校共催のイベントとして開催しようと意見がまとまりました。私たちはそれぞれの学校から生徒さんを誘って行くことにしました。私は、このイベントが私の生徒さんにとって私以外の外国人と話すたいへん良いチャンスになるだろうと思っています。そして生徒さんの英会話力アップにつながればと思います。私は次のイベントが待ち遠しいです!