

Why I Love Sagamihara and Japan








再度言いますが、相模原市に住んで大好きなことができる- スミス英会話相模原校を経営しながら、素晴らしいメンバーとトロンボーンの演奏をすることができる私はなんて幸運なんだと思い知らされました。Lucky me!


Living in Sagamihara as an English teacher and trombone player has allowed me to be a part of a great musical organization called the Zama Big Band Jazz Orchestra. I am lucky and proud to be a member of this band that recently performed their 25th Anniversary Concert at Harmony Hall in Zama City. Disappointedly, I was unable to participate this year because of a minor illness. So I sat in the audience and listened.

Every year, I purchase a few tickets and give them to my English students if they are interested in going to the concert. Even though I wasn’t able to participate this year, I was happy to hear that a few of my English students attended.

While disappointed that I couldn’t be on that stage this year, I was able to see and hear “the other side.” What we hear on the stage is very different from what the audience hears, so it was a learning experience for me. I’m grateful to have that opportunity. Now I know. They (we) sound good.

At the intermission I went backstage to the dressing rooms to tell my bandmates how good they sounded. They joked and said “where is your uniform?” My trombone section leader tried to hand me his trombone. I felt their warmth and appreciation. I love those people. I’ll be back soon…

Once again, I am reminded how lucky I am to live in Sagamihara Japan…to be able to do what I love-  play the trombone with great people while owning a Smith’s School of English Franchise here in Sagamihara, Japan. Lucky me!

Come see me! I’ll welcome anyone who wants to improve their English speaking skills, or start learning from the very beginning. I am happy to help anyone.

スミス英会話相模原校 ジム先生



