B41 If
If I had a million dollars I would clean up Lake Biwa because it’s an important natural resource.
If I could borrow your car I would drive to the beach because most beaches are not near stations.
Practice 1
If I had a million yen, I would buy …
If I had a million yen, I would go to …
If I had a million yen, I would save …
If I had a million yen, I would start …
If I had a hundred yen, I would …
If I had a thousand yen, I would …
If I had a million yen, I would …
If I had a billion yen, I would …
Practice 2
What would you buy if you were rich?
Where would you travel to, if you had unlimited time off?
Who would like to meet, if you could meet any famous person?
What would you like to … if … ?
Sample Discussion
A: What’s that?
B: It’s a lottery ticket.
A: How much is the grand prize?
B: It’s currently 26 million yen.
A: Wow! What will you do if you win?
B: If I win, I will put half into savings, and spend half on travel with friends.
A: I see. Where would you go?
Talk about this picture.
Talk about this picture.
Talk about this picture.
Talk about this picture.
Advanced Discussion
Where is your dream travel destination?
If you went there, what would you do?
What sites would you like to see?
What foods would you eat?
Discuss you dream trip.
Discuss the differences between
1.Pipe Dreams & Reality
2. Huge, Long Term Goals & Short Term Achievable Goals