B07 Feelings
Today I feel (great) but (a little tired).

Practice #1a Today
How do you feel today?
Today I feel (wonderful).
Practice #1b Today ... but
How do you feel today?
Today I feel (wonderful) but (worried).
Practice #2a Yesterday
How did you feel yesterday?
Yesterday I felt (a little tired).
Practice #2b Yesterday ... but
How did you feel yesterday?
Yesterday I felt (a little tired)
but (today I feel fine).
Practice #3 Tomorrow
How will you feel if (you don't have
to go to work tomorrow)?
I will feel (fantastic) but (a little guilty).
Practice #4 Finish Five
Today I feel tired but ...
it's OK because I always feel tired!
I will feel better after a cup of coffee.
I have a day off tomorrow so no worries.
it's not a problem because it's Saturday.
it's because I didn't sleep well last night.
Practice #5 Relaxation
Write in your notebook:
5 things that make you feel RELAXED
Go to the next page for next questions.
Practice #5b Relaxation
Tell me something that makes yo feel relaxed.
Why did you choose this?
Why do you think this makes you relaxed?
How often do you do this?
Tell me about something else ...
Practice #6 I say ... You say ...
What emotion do you feel?
New years
Rock Music
Classical Music
Sample Discussion #1
A: Hey! How are you doing?
B: Not so good.
A: What's up?
B: Today I feel a little down.
A: Why?
B: My friend's house burnt down.
A: That's terrible! Is everyone OK?
B: Yes. But I'm feeling a little lost.
Sample Discussion #1 Incomplete
A: Hey! How are you doing?
B: ...
A: What's up?
B: Today I feel ...
A: Why?
B: ...
A: That's ...
B: Yes, But ...
I feel

I feel

If I saw this, I would feel ...

Talk about this picture.


Advanced Discussion #1a
Talk about this student example:
Today I feel tired, so I'll take a nap.
Advanced Discussion #1b
Talk about this student example:
Today I feel happy so I'll treat you to dinner.
Advanced Discussion #1c
Talk about this student example:
Today I feel down so I will go to the hair salon.
Advanced Discussion #1d
Talk about this student example:
Today I feel like driving to Hikone so I think that I should look at a map of Hikone.
Advanced Discussion #1
Talk about
Emotional Reactions
Discuss this concept in general.
Do you feel that your personal reaction to intense situations is usually calm and collected, or reactive and expressive? Why?
Advanced Discussion #2a
Discuss Ivan Pavlov
Some helpful discussions:
Psychologist noun
Personality noun
Emotional Response noun
Conditioning noun
Salivate verb
Research verb/noun
Advanced Discussion #2b
Read and fill in the blanks using the vocabulary from the previous slide.
Ivan Pavlov was a Russian ____, known mainly for his ____ in classical conditioning. His most famous study involved training dogs to _____ when a bell was rung. This is known as classical (or Pavlovian) _____. This lead to research into whether _____ can be trained, or is natural and ____ based.
Advanced Discussion #2c
Ivan Pavlov was a Russian psychologist, known mainly for his research in classical conditioning. His most famous study involved training dogs to salivate when a bell was rung. This is known as classical (or Pavlovian) conditioning. This lead to research into whether emotional response can be trained, or is natural and personality based.