One Point Lesson A05 Thinking About

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A05 Thinking About

I’m thinking about today’s dinner.

I’m thinking about the content of my speech for tomorrow’s corporate briefing.

Practice #1a Finish It

Right now, I’m thinking about ...
Yesterday, I was thinking about ...
When I am on the train, I often think about ... Thinking about (summer) makes me ...

Practice #2 Questions

What are you thinking about?
What are you thinking about right now?
What are you thinking about doing next weekend?
What are you thinking about doing over the holidays?
Where are you thinking about going for your next vacation?

Practice #3 Sample Discussion

A: What are you looking at?
B: I’m looking at that postcard.
A: Which one?
B: The postcard from Thailand. I’ve never been there.
A: Just looking at that postcard makes me think about traveling to a hot country.
B: Me too... Now I am thinking about Hawaii!
A: I’ve never been to Hawaii... 
B: I’ve been there, but a long time ago.

(Return to top, switch roles)

Talk about this picture.

Talk about this picture.

Talk about this picture.

Talk about this picture.

Advanced Discussion #1 Word Association

What do the following words make you think about?

Healthy Living

Advanced Discussion #2

Compare & Contrast:
1. Japan & (The U.S.A.)
2. High School & University
3. Okinawa & Hokkaido
