
Toyojitalino トヨジタリーノ

Why I love Ikoma..?

Toyojitalino トヨジタリーノ


Working at Smith's English school Ikoma has a lot of benefits. The first and most obvious is that I get to live in Ikoma. That puts me halfway between Osaka and Nara. But even though it's really convenient I don't go to Osaka or Nara because everything is here to begin with. There is a great Italian restaurant called Toyojitalino's. It's about a two or three minute walk from the station and I can drive there easily from my house, and the parking is very accessible.

Now this restaurant is not your average restaurant. The chef and owner studied Italian cooking in Italy. He brought back his expertise for Ikoma residents and he's been running this restaurant successfully since before I came to Ikoma. It has big windows so it has an open atmosphere and there are tables and booths depending on your preference. It's not a big restaurant, so it's not noisy and you don't have to wait long for the excellent food. Speaking of the food, this is some of the best Italian food I've ever had, and my brother-in-law is italian! I really mean it. This food is absolutely the best I've had.

It makes a great speaking point in my Smith school of English classroom here in Ikoma. I can ask students what kind of food they like. You'd be surprised how many people like Italian food. Then of course the natural question comes: have you been to Toyojitalinos? About half the students know about it, and the other half have not heard of it or they haven't been to it and would like to know more. And then it becomes a great focal point for our conversation for a few minutes. If you haven't been there, I highly recommend this restaurant. If you enjoyed eating there, come and talk to me in class about it. Feel free to join up so we can chat.



スミス英会話生駒校での英会話レッスンでも話の話題になります。英会話レッスン内で、生徒様に好きな食べ物を聞くことがあります。驚くほどに多くの生徒様がイタリアン料理を答えます。そうすると、自然に「Have you been to Toyojitalinos? (トヨジタリーノに行ったことある?)」という質問になります。半分くらいの生徒様は知っていて、それ以外の生徒様には聞いたことがないという方もいますが、知っているが行ったことはなくて話を聞いてみたいという方も多いです。そしてその後、数分は話の中心になります。もしまだこのレストランを訪れたことがなければ、とてもおすすめです。トヨジタリーノでおいしいご飯を食べたら、スミス英会話生駒校で私とレストランについてお話ししましょう。ぜひお気軽にお問い合わせください

スミス英会話生駒校 レス先生


I'm  レス・ぺラスです!






