
生駒のチョコレート専門店:Many Cacaos, Many Minds

Why I love Ikoma..?

生駒のチョコレート専門店:Many Cacaos, Many Minds


最近、生駒にあるチョコレート専門店「Many Cacaos, Many Minds」を訪れました。私はチョコレートが大好きです。このお店は数ヶ月前にオープンしたばかり。これで、何をするにも生駒から出る必要がなくなった気がします



Many Cacaos, Many Minds

私は「Many Cacaos, Many Minds」に行ってみようと思っていましたが、仕事で忙しかったので、しばらく行くのを延期していました。やっと時間ができたので、そのチョコレートを食べに行きました。チョコレートは天にも昇るおいしさでした!メニューは朝食セットからハンバーグサンドウィッチ等のフードメニューや、デザートが数点あり店内でも食べられます。私は3種のチョコレートテイスターを選びました。チョコレートのテリーヌ、生チョコレート、チョコレートケーキの3種類でした。


チョコレートパフェもありましたが、それほどお腹は空いていませんでした。帰り際、一枚のチラシを手に取りました。チラシにはチョコレートがトッピングされたかき氷が載っていました。 次は暑くなったら食べに行こうかなと思います。

チョコレートが好きなら、このお店「Many Cacaos, Many Minds」は本当にお勧めです。雰囲気もいいし、店員さんも親切で、チョコレートも素晴らしい!「Many Cacaos, Many Minds」を訪れたら、ぜひスミス英会話生駒校にもお越しください、あなたの体験談を聞かせてください。

Ikoma is home to Many Cacaos, Many Minds, a specialty chocolate shop that I just visited. I love chocolate. This shop just opened a few months ago. It makes me feel like I don’t need to leave Ikoma for anything.

There was an opening in the strip mall across from Ikoma station for many months. Then there were signs in the window. They looked promising but I didn’t really know what shop was going to open there.

A few months ago, one of my Smith’s School of English students was excited. She was talking about a new shop that opened up in Ikoma. She loves chocolate, and this shop was exciting for her. She told me it was the shop that was empty near the station for a long time.

I decided to visit the shop. I was so busy on some interesting projects that I postponed the visit for a while. Finally, I found some time to go and taste their chocolate. It was heavenly! The menu has a small selection of treats, from breakfast sets to gourmet hamburgers. I chose the 3 Selections Chocolate Taster. There was a chocolate terrine, raw chocolate and chocolate cake in the selection.

The restaurant has a subdued atmosphere with chocolate brown walls, and very friendly staff. They kindly explained the menu to me. Then I made my choice. I did not have to wait long. My order came quickly and I was eating silky smooth chocolate!

There was also a chocolate parfait available but I was not that hungry. On the way out, I took a flyer. It advertised a shaved ice dish with chocolate topping. I might go back and have that next time it gets hot outside.

If you like chocolate, I really recommend this shop. The atmosphere is nice, the staff is friendly and the chocolate is excellent! After a visit to this shop, drop by Smith’s School of English for a friendly chat if you like, and tell me about your experience.

スミス英会話生駒校 レス先生


I'm  レス・ぺラスです!






