

Why I love Ikoma..?



リッケンスポーツクラブ生駒は、生駒市の生活が大好きな理由のうちのひとつです。 私は20年以上生駒でスミス英会話生駒校を経営していますが、ここに住むことを選んで本当によかったと思っています。この街には私の生活を豊かにしてくれるさまざまな企業があります。リッケンスポーツクラブ生駒もそのひとつです。





スミス英会話生駒校キッズコースの生徒様の一人もリッケンスポーツクラブ生駒に通っていて、体操が大好きです。彼女はまだ4歳ですが、体操を始めるにはちょうどいい年齢です。先日、彼女はスポーツクラブでやったことを私に見せてくれました。 彼女はスポーツクラブのシート表も取り出し見せてくれました。クラブでの彼女の成長は非常に素晴らしいものでした。




The Ikoma Rikken Kids Gymnastics Club is one of the things I love about living in Ikoma. I have been here for more than twenty years, running my Smith’s School of English and I am so glad I chose to live here. There are all sorts of businesses that make my life better in this town. The Ikoma Rikken Kids Gymnastics Club Is one of the businesses that I am grateful for..

My sons grew up in Ikoma and went to school here. They did pretty well in school. However, we soon realised we would like outside support with physical Education. That’s where the Rikken kids Gymnastics comes in. They took both my sons as students in their after-school programs.

Ikoma Rikken Kids Gymnastics is on the south side of Ikoma, close to the south Gyomu Supermarket, and the Daiki Home Centre. It is super convenient because it is right beside route 168 which goes right through Ikoma from North to South. They have free parking as well and they let us come and observe the classes.

I’m sure my boys improved a great deal thanks to Ikoma Rikken Kids Gymnastics Club. Their programs helped develop my sons in a very gentle and supportive way. One son even gained sufficient confidence and went on to rock climbing and actually represented Nara in the national competition!

My second son followed Rikken with dance lessons and became quite a good dancer. Now this made him interested in music which still does to this day.

One of my current students is also a member of Ikoma Rikken Kids Gymnastics Club and she loves it. She is only four years old but that is the perfect age to start. The other day she wanted to show me what she did. She pulled out her Gymnastics Club marksheets. The growth of her skills in the club was quite impressive.

Ikoma has many businesses that can help support raising a family. I am proud to have joined the ranks of these businesses. I have trained many children in Smith’s School of English Ikoma and many families as well!

I’d be delighted if you dropped by for a chat sometime!

スミス英会話生駒校 レス先生


I'm  レス・ぺラスです!






