無料TOEICレッスン Lesson25 : Osaka Castle Theme Park

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無料TOEIC レッスン Lesson 25 : Osaka Castle Theme Park





Lesson 25: Osaka Castle Theme Park / VIDEO Script

Al, what do you think about the article on the Asahi Shimbun site about the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry floating a plan to transform the Osaka Castle into a theme park?

What’s that? A theme park? Now there’s a fun idea!

Yeah, they want to recreate a historic cityscape around the castle to give visitors a chance to experience what it was like to live in Osaka in the 16th century.

I really like the idea. It could help Osaka to draw a lot of tourists and maybe even some from overseas. Together with USJ, Osaka could become an interesting tourist spot for foreign tourists. Can you think of some ways to create a cool ambience in the park and really make it into a tourism magnet?

Well they must have some actors in traditional garb to recreate the townsfolk and the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi. And it must have a few thrill rides perhaps or some Rakugo in English.

Absolutely! Maybe the DOTOMBORI splash ride or the Osaka Jo free-fall ride. When the planes to Itami airport pass over, it will present a spectacular view!

Yes, I can’t wait!


  1. What did Chiharu ask Al?
    1. She asked him what he thought of the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s plan to create a floating Osaka castle on DOTOMBORI.
    2. She asked him what he thought about the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s plan to create a theme park at the Osaka Castle site.
    3. She asked him if he had seen the article in the Asahi Shimbun about Osaka Castle’s floating plan.
    4. She asked him to float a plan for a theme park at Osaka Castle to the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  2. What did Al say about the idea?
    1. He said it was a crazy idea given Osaka’s current budget situation.
    2. He said it was a funny idea.
    3. He said it was a fun idea.
    4. He said Carol could get a job as a guide there.
  3. What did Chiharu say they wanted to recreate?
    1. She said they wanted to recreate the war in which Tokugawa’s forces fought against Toyotomi Hideyoshi and took control of the castle.
    2. She said they wanted to recreate a historic cityscape around the castle.
    3. She said she wanted to give visitors a chance to experience what it was like to live in Osaka in the 1600s.
    4. She said that the Osaka Castle was a recreation of a cityscape from the 16th century.
  4. What did Al say would be spectacular?
    1. He said it would be a spectactular view from the planes when they passed over the castle theme park.
    2. He said the DOTOMBORI splash ride would be spectacular.
    3. He said that Carol would look spectacular in the traditional garb of 16th century Japan.
    4. He said that Mr. Hashimoto would make Osaka into a spectactular tourist magnet.



