無料TOEIC レッスン Lesson 11 : Schools and Nintendo
みなさんもご存じのNintendo DS、電車の中などでも目にしない日はないように思います。主にはポータブルゲーム機として知られていますが今ではゲームだけに留まらず、その活躍の場を広げているようです。英国映画テレビ芸術アカデミー(BAFTA)の授賞式がロンドンで行われ、“フェローシップ賞”を受賞した任天堂のゲームデザイナーで代表取締役の宮本茂氏が受賞後のインタビューで今後日本の小中学校にNintendo DSを展開していきたいという考えを明らかにし、教育分野での活用に益々注目が集まったのではないでしょうか。世界で1億2500万台普及しているといわれるNintendo DSですが、小学校や中学校で教材端末として使用されることについて、そして英語や英会話の教育への影響についてここではどう話しているのでしょうか。
Lesson 11: Schools and Nintendo / VIDEO Script
Have you heard of Shigeru Miyamoto?
Oh, yes! I read an article about him in the Japan times this week. He’s credited with creating ‘Super Mario Brothers’ and ‘Donkey Kong’ for Nintendo and he has just won an award from BAFTA, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts.
That’s right. I read the same article in which he said he was now spending most of his time turning the Nintendo DS into an educational tool for elementary and junior high school students.
Could Mario be swapping his world of magic mushrooms and dinosaurs for the staid confines of the classroom?
It appears so. Nintendo wants to roll out the DS for use by schools from the new 2010 school year. The dual screen unit could be popular as a learning tool if he and Nintendo can make it cool and more like playing a game than being educated.
Yeah. It could even be a fun way to teach English using games to emphasize speaking and listening, making learning far more interactive. I think starting kids out early and in an enjoyable way is essential to providing a good foundation in English. Students who have confidence to speak from an early age can really succeed.
Absolutely! Give them the ability to speak a little before you bury them in grammar and translation. It could make a difference!
- According to John, what is Shigeru Miyamoto credited with having done?
- He founded Nintendo.
- He’s credited with having created several games for Nintendo including Mario Brothers and Donkey Kong.
- He was the original character for Donkey Kong and Mario Brothers.
- He founded Nintendo and won awards at BAFTA.
- What did Al say that Miyamoto was spending most of his time doing now?
- He said Miyamoto was spending most of his time trading Mario for classrooms.
- He said Miyamoto was spending most of his time with mushrooms and dinosaurs.
- He said Miyamoto was spending most of his time turning the Nintendo DS into a dental hygiene tool.
- He said Miyamoto was spending most of his time turning the Nintendo DS into an educational too for Elementary and Jr. High School students.
- What did Al say about the dual screen unit?
- He said Nintendo could make cool games that allow kids to create their own schools.
- He said it coud be popular as a learning tool if Miyamoto and Nintendo could make it more like playing a game than being educated.
- He said that Shigeru Miyamoto could win another BAFTA award if he could turn the DS into a dual screen unit.
- He said that he wanted one for each of his kids to study Japanese history.
- What did John say about starting kids out early speaking and listening to English?
- He said it was essential to avoid burying them in grammar and translation before it’s too late.
- He said it couldn’t be done in an interactive way.
- He said emphasizing translation and grammar were the only way.
- He said it was essential to start learning English early and have fun doing it.