Tsukaguchi-sub11/塚口校 先生のブログ2

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スミス英会話塚口校 / 先生のブログ2

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Enjoying Sunday out with my wife

Monday, February 18th, 2008

Last Sunday I and my wife went to Splendido, an Italian restaurant on the first floor of The Ritz Carlton Hotel in Umeda, Osaka . We sometimes go there for the Italian Buffet which is on Sundays between 11:30am and 2:00pm. We love going there because for a reasonable price, we can enjoy many kinds of delicious food prepared by chefs, stylish surroundings, live classical music and excellent service. My wife, a dental technician, knows the chef there, Chef Luca Pecorari, who was a customer at a dental clinic she used to work at near The Ritz Carlton! He always greets us warmly when we arrive and is very friendly. Eating there is really fun. The food is near the entrance, with Chef Pecorari and staff there too. I usually have them make me some scrambled eggs right there in front of me. It’s the best scrambled eggs I’ve ever eaten because they are cooked perfectly. Chef Pecorari cuts me a slice of roast beef, which is amazingly delicious! I choose other things, but save space for dessert, because they have all kinds of delicious cakes there that I love trying every time I go! My wife and I both love sweets, so dessert is a real treat!After having brunch at The Ritz Carlton Hotel, we went to watch a movie at NAVIO TOHO PLEX, a movie theater also located in Umeda We watched Elizabeth: The Golden Age . It was very good! After enjoying the movie, we went back home to Tsukaguchi. We had had a great time out!Derek


私はいつもスクランブルエッグを作ってもらいますが、それは私が注文してからシェフが私の目の前で調理してくれます。ここのスクランブルエッグは私が今まで食べたどれより格段に美味しいです!シェフの腕が良いのでしょう! 私は食後のデザートを楽しむためにいつも他のものを食べるのを少しひかえます。このレストランのスイーツは天下一品で、それに私と妻は甘いものには目がないので、ここへ来る目的の一つにもなっています<笑>
リッツカールトンでゆったりブランチを楽しんだあと私たちは映画を見に行きました。ナビオ東宝プレックスで“エリザベス:ゴールデン・エイジ” を観ました。とっても面白かったですよ。大画面で面白い映画を楽しんでから塚口の我が家へと帰りました。この日は本当に一日たっぷり楽しく過ごすことができました。

Having fun with my Japanese cell phone

Wednesday, February 5th, 2008

Cell phones in Japan are amazing. With my cell phone I can send email messages, access the internet and take quality photos, amongst other things. If I wanted, I could get a cell phone with TV! Now for me, being able to send email messages from my cell phone with nice pictures is the best. I can be sitting at a coffee shop somewhere, take out my cell phone and easily send email messages to people in Japan or abroad! People with cell phones in Japan can see the email very quickly because when they receive it, their phone rings (the sound of the ring is chosen by them from a large selection of rings). I often take a photo of my food or of myself and send it with my email. The receiver can see me and what I am eating. Oh and you can add in a huge selection of decorations (pictographs, etc) which make the email real fun to read. I can also write in both English and Japanese with my cell phone. It’s a lot of fun! I love my Japanese cell phone!



A nice surprise at Starbucks Coffee

Saturday, January 26th, 2008

A few days ago I biked to a new Starbucks Coffee shop at Tsukashin, a shopping center conveniently located in Tsukaguchi not to far from home and my school, the Smith’s Tsukaguchi franchise. I had what I usually order at Starbucks Coffee, which is a cinnamon roll, scone and “tall” coffee. As always, all were delicious! After enjoying my brunch, I read my English newspaper, The Daily Yomiuri, which I had brought along. I was reading when I got a nice surprise. A Japanese woman sitting at a table next to me asked me if I was a teacher. I said I was. She said she was looking for a teacher for her 12 year old son who was soon going to enter junior high school. She wanted him to start studying English before starting. I gave her my Smith’s business card and answered a few questions which she asked me. Then I called Smith’s head office using the Smith’s free dial number, using my cell phone. I had a Smith’s head office secretary, who was Japanese, speak to the woman in Japanese. The woman said she would call back later to book a free trial lesson for her son with me, which she did! On next Monday I will be giving a trial lesson to her son at my school and hopefully will be getting a new man to man student! I never thought I would possibly get a new student simply by sitting at Starbucks Coffee! What a pleasant surprise! I thank Smith’s head office staff very much for their help, which I really appreciate.



Compliments from a student

Friday, January 11th, 2008

A man to man student who has been studying with me for over 4 years gave me some compliments the other day. She said that if her teacher hadn’t been me, she wouldn’t have gotten to where she is today with her English. She also said that she was lucky to have met a great teacher like me. Wow! What nice things to hear! I thanked her for her compliments and reminded her that her improving English skills were also a result of her own effort and that I am there to support her. Hearing compliments like these make me happy because it means that I did a good job and that is important to me.


この間とても嬉しいことがありました。マンツーマンで4年以上も塚口校に通ってくれている生徒さんが私にこんな最高のほめ言葉を言ってくれました。「もしデレック先生に出会っていなかったら私はこんなに勉強をしなかったでしょう。デレック先生はその時々の私の実力に合せた英語学習を、私がしたくなるような方法で指導してくれました。4年前の私は文法どころかABCだけしか覚えていない全くのビギナーだったのに、今では英語でメールは楽しめるし英語のブログも読めるし・・・よくここまでこられたと自分でも驚いています。デレック先生みたいな素晴らしい先生に4年も英会話を教えてもらえて私は本当にラッキーです。」 わぁ!これ以上のほめ言葉があるでしょうか!私はその生徒さんに「ありがとう!」と言い「今の貴女があるのは貴女自身の努力があったからですよ。」と付け加えました。すると彼女は、努力できたのは私のサポートがあったからだと言ってくれ、私はほんとうに嬉しくなりました。私が一生懸命レッスンをすることで生徒さんに満足してもらい「塚口校に行ってよかった!」と言ってもらえたら、それは私が“良い仕事”をしていることであり、またそれが生徒さんを教える私にとって一番大切なことだと思っています。

A present from a student

Monday, January 7th, 2008

On November 23, 2007 I went to Kyoto City with some students, a student’s wife and my own wife to see the Japanese Maple color change. A student who went filmed us with his video camera and took some pictures. Later he prepared a DVD with the videos and pictures on it. Yesterday he biked to my home to give me a copy of the DVD and copies for others who went on the trip. Wow! How kind! I watched the DVD with my wife and we enjoyed it very much. Preparing the DVD was so kind of my student. I am proud of having such nice students!



Christmas present to my students

Wednesday, December 26th, 2007

On December 25th all students from my school, Smith’s Tsukaguchi franchise in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, received Christmas cards by postal mail. All cards included a hand-written message from me, thanking them for studying at Smith’s and wishing them a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I also included a Christmas present, a Starbucks Card for 1,000 Yen. I thought that would make them happy.

<クリスマスプレゼント- 私から生徒のみなさんへ>2007年12月26日(水)


Outing with students in Osaka

Sunday, December 16th, 2007

On December 9th, 2007 I, my wife and 2 students from Smith’s Tsukaguchi School in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture went to Osaka City to see Mysteries of the Human Body at Umeda Sky Building. We first had brunch at Starbucks Coffee. We relaxed while having tasty food and drinks. As always I had hot coffee with a cinnamon roll and I had a new mocha and fruit scone they have now. We talked about my blog page at my school’s web site, where I have stuff written in English with Japanese translations as you can see at https://smithweb.co.jp/sub/tsukaguchi/sub7.shtml . Afterwards we walked to Umeda Sky Building. Outside the building was some kind of German fair going on. We bought a long, blueberry piece of licorice with strawberry-tasting filling inside, which we shared. It was sweet and delicious! Then we went inside to see Mysteries of the Human Body. It was interesting! Afterwards we checked out the German fair some more then left. We said goodbye to each other near Hankyu Umeda Station. Everyone had had a great time!

<“人体の不思議展” -生徒さんと大阪へ>2007年12月16日(日)

12月9日の日曜日、私と妻は2人の生徒さんと4人で大阪へ行きました。あの“人体の不思議展” を梅田のスカイビルまで見に行ったのです。私たちは先ずスターバックスへ行ってお腹を満たすことにしました。私はお気に入りのシナモンロールとホットコーヒー、そして新発売のモカフルーツスコーンを食べました。私たちはゆったりとブランチを楽しみながら、我がスミス英会話塚口校(兵庫県尼崎市南塚口町)のウェブサイトのことを話しました。話題はそのウェブサイトの中のブログのコーナーに集中しました。私はこのブログのコーナーに日頃感じたことを英語で書いていますが、同時に日本語も掲載しています。初心者のみなさんには日本語を見ながら英語の勉強ができるよう、またもう英語に慣れたみなさんにはネーティブの英語表現の勉強ができるよう、勿論、レベルに関係なく多くのみなさんに塚口校のブログを楽しんでいただけるように英語と日本語を掲載しています。ちょっと覗いてみませんか。話がそれてしまいました、元へ戻しましょう。<笑>


