英会話無料レッスン 4A40 生徒さんが作った例文 Is there a famous person whom you would like to meet? Why? 会ってみたい有名人はいますか?なぜですか? スミス英会話に通っている生徒さんが作った例文 川西校 ・I’d like to meet Cristiano Ronaldo. Because he was the impetus for me to start playing football.


in Uncategorized by smithweb  | October 9, 2021 | 0 comments

英会話無料レッスン 4A39 生徒さんが作った例文 What dreams have you dreamt recently? 最近見た夢は何ですか? スミス英会話に通っている生徒さんが作った例文 川西校 ・My sister asked me to play soccer, and we started playing indoors somehow. ・I tried to travel and on the way to the airport but there were so many troubles to get there. I couldn’t make it.


in Uncategorized by smithweb  | October 2, 2021 | 0 comments

英会話無料レッスン 4A38 生徒さんが作った例文 Do you have a signature dish? 得意料理はありますか? スミス英会話に通っている生徒さんが作った例文 川西校 ・There is no recipe since I just toss in whatever veggies I have and add some salt and spice, but my pasta always taste good. ・My nana’s original recipe soup. Everyone would love it!


in Uncategorized by smithweb  | September 25, 2021 | 0 comments

英会話無料レッスン 4A37 生徒さんが作った例文Is there someplace that you are interested in right now?今気になっている場所はありますか? スミス英会話に通っている生徒さんが作った例文 川西校・I wanna explore Caribbean countries.  ・I watched there is some interesting arts in the tunnel in Nigata on TV.


in Uncategorized by smithweb  | September 18, 2021 | 0 comments

英会話無料レッスン 4A36 生徒さんが作った例文Who has been a “key person” to you?あなたにとって“キーパーソン”は誰ですか? スミス英会話に通っている生徒さんが作った例文 川西校・My English teacher in high school. Before then I wasn’t interested in English, but because of him I got intereted in it. ・The owner own the farm where I stayed 4 months in Australia. I learned so many things from him and my motto in


in Uncategorized by smithweb  | September 11, 2021 | 0 comments

英会話無料レッスン 4A35 生徒さんが作った例文What increases your motivation?あなたのモチベーションを上げてくれるものは何ですか? スミス英会話に通っている生徒さんが作った例文 川西校・The likes, follows and comments. I have a page that introduce the scenery in Japan, and those reactions from people really support me. ・Thinking about the travel which country should I visit next is increase my motivation. 


in Uncategorized by smithweb  | September 4, 2021 | 0 comments

英会話無料レッスン 4A34 生徒さんが作った例文 What memory would you like to keep forever? ずっと思い出に残したい記憶は何ですか? スミス英会話に通っている生徒さんが作った例文 川西校 ・My baby called me “Mama” for the first time last week. ・The sunrise I saw in Sedona, Arizona. It was amazingly beautiful.


in Uncategorized by smithweb  | August 28, 2021 | 0 comments

英会話無料レッスン 4A33 生徒さんが作った例文 What made your heart beat faster recently? 最近あったドキドキしたことは何ですか? スミス英会話に通っている生徒さんが作った例文 川西校 ・I went to a marriage matchmaking party for the first time in my life. ・Every time I watch my crush on his Youtube my heart beat faster.


in Uncategorized by smithweb  | August 21, 2021 | 0 comments

英会話無料レッスン 4A32 生徒さんが作った例文 Did anything happen today that you couldn’t help smiling at? 今日思わずほほえんでしまうようなことはありましたか? スミス英会話に通っている生徒さんが作った例文 川西校 ・My little girl drew a picture of me. I took a picture of it and posted it on Facebook. I’m such a doting mother. ・I saw a cat in a basket of fron of the bycicle that her owner is


in Uncategorized by smithweb  | August 7, 2021 | 0 comments

英会話無料レッスン 4A31 生徒さんが作った例文Where is your secret hideout?あなたのとっておきのスポットはどこですか? スミス英会話に通っている生徒さんが作った例文 川西校・The terrace at a cafe near my house. Whenever I have time, I go there. ・There is secret beach on an island where my pearents were born.


in Uncategorized by smithweb  | July 31, 2021 | 0 comments