沖縄・宮古島旅行2016 2日目
沖縄・宮古島旅行2016 初日はこちらから
沖縄県宮古島 2日目、車で宮古島から来間島(くりまじま)に行きました。来間島は宮古島の南西に位置する小さな島で、美しい来間大橋で宮古島と繋がっています。来間大橋を渡り、まず私たちはプライベートビーチに行きました。ビーチは大きくありませんでしたが、静かでとても良かったです。
ホテルに帰る途中で、来間島にあるカフェPani Paniに寄りました。このカフェは、10テーブル程の大きさで壁がない作りでした。エアコンがなくても自然の風が吹いていて心地良かったです。午後1時半ごろに着き昼食を食べたいと思っていましたが、食事は完売していたのでマンゴースムージーとドラゴンスムージーを頼みました。値段は、リーズナブルでとても美味しかったです。また是非行きたいと思っています。

On Day 2, we drove from Miyakojima to Kurima Island. Kurima is a small island just off the southwest corner of Miyakojima, connected by the beautiful Kurima Bridge. After crossing the bridge, we first went to Private Beach. The beach was not that big but it was very nice and secluded.
Next we drove to Nagamahama Beach. It was a stunning deserted beach with turquoise waters, white sand and a cobalt blue sky. This is in my top 3 of most beautiful beaches and I highly recommend making the effort to visit it!
And the last beach we visited was Takokoen Beach. Getting to the beach meant taking a short hike through some jungle, the path opens up to a small but nice beach with high cliffs on both sides The cliffs, the water color and clarity really make this beach special but the snorkeling is out this world! The water clarity was the best I’ve ever seen, and the number and kinds of tropical fish was spectacular. This place is most famous for clownfish (the fish from the movie Nemo) and there were many to be seen. You really get the feeling that you are swimming around an aquarium. Stellar!
On the way back to our hotel we stopped at Pani Pani. Pani Pani is a small cafe with about 10 tables situated under a roof with no walls. There is no air-conditioning but it was comfortable thanks to the nice breeze that was blowing. We arrived at about 1:30pm hoping to have lunch but they told us they were sold out of food, so we just ordered a mango smoothie and a dragon fruit smoothie. The drinks were excellent and reasonably priced. I would certainly go back again.
Having returned to our hotel in Miyakojima, we went for dinner at the wonderful Star Dust Garden. This restaurant has a lovely terrace with an excellent view of the ocean. The food and service were excellent. We ordered an appetizer plate, pasta, shrimp ahijo and a meat dish. All of the food was great and we will definitely go back again!
Day 3 coming soon….
スミス英会話都島校 ダン
沖縄・宮古島旅行2016 3日目はこちらから
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